🍆Close it.🍆 (pt.2 of previous)

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(This is a 1 hour after they got home.)

Sparkling's pov.

I made some food for him while attempting to burn the house down. He is so clueless. Recently I went to the "toy store" for adults.To get more toys just for him. I got a ball gag so he doesn't moan so loud that the neighbors hear. Oh he just woke up. Time for his punishment...

Herb's pov.

I just woke up and my husband is acting oddly sweet to me after I teased him at his office. He made food for me. I know it could just be an act of kindness but I feel like that isn't the reason why.

10 mins later

My husband started to tease me just because I had a boner from thinking about the last session, where I was so hungover the next day & we got a noise complaint for me moaning to loud. He whispered in my ear that day that "Be quieter next time:)..." in a sly tone. He whispered into my saying "I see you got a boner there... want me to help you?" Yes please! I need it badly. I yelled that out looking like and idiot.

He then scooped me up and carried me to our bedroom. There was a brand bag from the store he got my adult toys for my birthday. Why is that there?

Sparkling's pov

He asked me to so now I have a reason to fuck him. I threw him on our big bed.i asked him if he wanted me to suck him off first, or if he wanted me to fuck him. He yelled out like idiot saying "Please fuck me! I don't want any prep just fuck me please!" "Alright this is his choice not mine. So, he can't blame me tomorrow for this."

Herb's pov.

I don't want prep like usual. I just want him to fuck me! I've been waiting for this for a month now. I want it now! He started taking off his pants and shirt painfully slow. I was getting more desperate and Horner by the second. He took my clothes off. H e took his boxers off and mine, when he took mine off my member sprung up. He put a ball gag in my mouth now I can't talk or moan loud. He then puts lube on his member and shoves it in me. I moaned loud but it was muffled because of the ball gag.

Sparkling's pov

I shoved my member into.my husband and he moaned so loud. I took the ball gag out of his mouth. I started going at a slow and gentle pace. While I was thrusting into him I started putting love bites on his neck kissing and nibbling on his shoulders until I found his soft spot. Little tears of pleasure and pain flowed down his face.

No one's pov

Herb's moans and pants got faster and louder when Sparkling started to speed up. Herb was going to cum soon and sparkling knew this. He just went faster. He started to pump his member while going faster and harder tryna find his good spot. Herb moaned out "DADDY ugh~ ah~
H-a-h~ rig-g-ht th-e-ere" He was about to cum when Sparkling said "don't you dare cum yet. You will regret it If you do." Herb thought that he was joking but he wasn't. He member started to leak with cum. Sparkling noticed this and started to thrust faster.I-i-m ah~ s-sorr-y Ah~ hah~ o‐o-hh yea-hh~ hng~ ugh~ Daddy~ were said over and over again during that night. Sparkling finally came and Herb was exhausted.

Sparkling brought him to the shower and cleaned him off.He put on a shirt (boxers too) and sweat pants.He got a hoodie of his and a pair of Herb's boxers for him.They cuddled as Herb drifted off to sleep in his arms. I love you Herb.(mwah he kissed his


Hello everyone I finally finished this. I Have been waiting to finish this and I finally did it. Don't ask why posted this at night I just did.School started for me last month so that's why it hasn't been updated that often. I have to get my 2 B's back to A's so yeah..

Anyways have a good night/ morning love my beans

Bye bye<3

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