It will be fine

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Todoroki was able to attend class as normal the next day. He got many questions about where he was, mostly from the Dekusquad, minus Deku.

All he told them was that he wasn't feeling very well and Aizawa Sensei had insisted he rest in his dorm. They all accepted that answer.

Shoto still had no idea what Aizawa was going to do about his home life and it made him nervous every time he was around the tired male.

He had forgiven Midoriya for relinquishing the information about his family. It took awhile for his mind to wrap around the fact that Midoriya was so worried about him and that he cared so much. But after sort of accepting that he realized that Midoriya would never want to hurt him by giving out that information.

It was hard to believe it had only been three days since he told his teacher about the abuse, his most guarded secret, that he only shared with those he trusted. That he just blurted out in an anxious panic like an idiot.

His father still didn't know, Shoto had only visited home that Monday, staying at the dorms the rest of the time.

His father wanted to see him at least once a week, usually more. He was already blowing up Shoto's phone with messages that said he wanted him home Friday night, for "training" as he called it.

Shoto didn't think it could be called training.

He thought most of his life that what he went through was normal, that the 'training' was actually training. He didn't know any better. It didn't make him dislike his father any less but he thought that it was ordinary.

His father never enrolled him in school before, opting for private tutors instead. Endeavor didn't want to risk Shoto making friends and getting distracted.

Before UA his only interaction with people was his father and the moments he stole with his siblings, and his mother before she was taken away.

He was told by his siblings that Endeavor wasn't a normal parent and about how happy and carefree the kids at their school were. He never really believed them until UA. He heard how his classmates talked about their parents, moments of their childhood and it was a lot different than his.

What was most different and what made Shoto rethink everything was the training they received at UA.

It was vastly different from what Endeavor had taught him all his life. The teachers were careful and worried when someone got hurt. They didn't want to put students into situations they couldn't handle and actually taught them what to do instead of expecting them to already know and throwing them in the deep end.

It put things in perspective and made Shoto realize that his siblings were telling him the truth. Endeavor wasn't a normal parent and 'training' wasn't really training.

Knowing that hurt him more than he thought it would and he realized that was probably what drove him to tell Midoriya in the first place. He didn't tell him everything, starting with his mother and his burn.

After the Sports Festival Midoriya and Shoto got closer and Shoto opened up more, even eventually telling Midoriya a little bit about Touya. Midoriya's reaction to everything Shoto told him only confirmed for Shoto that it wasn't normal.

He hated not knowing what his teacher was doing, if he had talked to his sister, if he was leaving it alone, if he had some elaborate plan to bring down Endeavor.... If he agreed with what Endeavor was doing...?

He just hated all the scenarios his mind came up with and just wished his teacher would tell him what he was going to do, if anything.

He contemplated asking Fuyumi but if his teacher didn't talk to her, he didn't want to end up worrying her or having to answer her questions about why his teacher would contact her.

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