𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 ➒

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Draco comes forward with a guilty look on his face. Then he looked at ava who is calmed now. He cleared his throat then ava looked at him tiredly.

"I'm sorry for touching you, I didn't know that.." he strutted nervously. His face turned more sad at the sight of her bleeding hands where he gives her a kiss.

After seeing his guilt face, ava softly said "I'm fine now, Don't worry. You don't know that I will react like this. It's not your fault, so please don't feel guilty for this" and give him a comforting smile.

Harry turned to Draco and glared at him for a few seconds then dragged Ava away from them "come on Ava, we are leaving now"

once they come out of olivander's, they saw that Hagrid is waiting for them in front of a pet shop. They went towards him. Harry then bought a snowy owl for him. Ava bought her a cute black with brown puppy. She named him Diego. After a long day they both are tired, so they went to their bed after finished their dinner.

"Harry, I want to tell you something" ava nervously called him who is laying down on his bed.

"Can we talk about that later? I'm tired" Harry told her tiredly.

"Please Harry it's important" said Ava taking her inheritance test from the bag.

"Fine! what is that you want to tell me?" Harry asked her in slight irritation and sit beside ava.

Ava give him the papers to harry. He read that with a confused expression.

Ava pick up the loose threads on her dress and looked at harry whose face turned to confused, shocked and slight anger.

"You are not my sister!!" Harry shockingly asked her looking at ava who look like she is gonna cry any moment.

"No..i.. I'm not" said ava shaking her head, biting her lips hard to control her emotions.

Harry tightly hold that papers in his fist. His jaw clenched and angrily looked at ava who is visibly shaking now.

He sarcastically laught at her "then I take care of a stranger for these many years. I'm pathetic" he snapped at her

"Harry pl..please don.. don't say that" cried ava and try to reach for him but he slapped her hands "get away from me, I don't want to see you ever" he shouted at her, tear the inheritance test papers and throw them at her face.

Everyone in the hall couldn't believe what they saw. "How could he do that to her?" Severus snape angrily said from his seat. Some are confused at why is he behaving like this. Some are angry for hurting ava. Future ones also don't know about this. So they all are sat there shocked at Harry's behaviour.

"No Harry please.. don't leave me" ava cried heavily, her breathing became irregular.

"Ava wake up" someone shaked her rapidly and she jolt up look to see harry looking at her with worried and so much love.

Ava immediately hug him tightly and cried heavily nuzzling into his neck. "What happened? Did you have nightmare?" Harry asked her gently stroking her hair softly.

Everyone let out relieved sigh. "It's just her dream" "poor ava" everyone murmur among themselves.

Ava said nothing but nod her head. "Please don't..le..leave me" she whimpered, she hold him tighter than before.

Harry sighed softly at that. He gently carried her and rocking her softly and said "I don't leave you ever, now please don't cry. Take a deep breath for me" he gives her a temple soft kiss and hold her tightly.

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