Chapter 3: In a getaway car

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Jamil found a dent in this statement. Firstly he never stated that he was worried. Secondly clearly it was something he wanted to be kept hidden. Seems like Kalim grew to have many secrets. Well maybe he's just protecting his privacy. He has every right too, especially in the Scalding Sands where everyone is constantly all over the sultan.

"Wow you're right. This place is isolated." Jamil says, he drives down an isolated road where not much is seen. The only light source that could be seen was the light from the car. "𝘚𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?"

Soon, a light shines that leads to a big masnion. Of course in classic Asim fashion it's quite big, not as big as the Asim palace but it's still big compared to normal mansions. Jamil steps on the breaks in front of the gate while Kalim contacts his maid to open it.

Soon the gate was opened and Kalim directs Jamil to the garage, where he steadily parks. Kalim carries his sleeping son out of the car. Jamil doesn't move he stays there outside the car.

"What are you standing there for?" Kalim asked.

"Uh- I'll just wait for you to get inside and I'll go." He answered.


"Isn't your wife there? I wouldn't wanna intrude." Jamil avoided Kalim's gaze. Well this is it, he'll have to leave.

"No come inside it's late already. I'll drive you home in the morning." Kalim seemingly insisting Jamil to stay.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Your wife-"

"I don't have a wife Jamil."

Ah. What?

"I'll explain everything. Just get inside and I'll put Amir to bed."

With that, Jamil silently followed him. He's still a bit hesitant, but a also a little relieved. He stays in the living area while Kalim carried his son upstairs. His maid took the time to entertain him at least.

"You must be Jamil, Master Kalim talks about you a lot." She smiled.

"Oh, does he?" Well he can't say he's surprised, Kalim takes every opportunity to brag about him. He was always praising the Viper.

"Haha! Yes he does. He really missed you it seems. I've only heard stories about you from Master Kalim and other servants when we were back in the palace." She calmly set down tea on the table. "Tea?"

"Thank you." Jamil thanked her. He thinks that she could do better. Then again if you've been a servant most of your life, you'd be nitpicky about some things as well.

"You're most welcome sir." She was poised and well-mannered, and she was accomodating. She's a great maid, but she could use a bit more experience.

"May I ask?"

"Yes sir?"

"When did you start working for Kalim?" Jamil is not averse to a bit of small talk, at least, not anymore.

"About 4 years ago. When Amir was born."

That explains it.

"How did you get this job?" Jamil takes a sip of tea. Maybe he made the air too tense, this looks more like a interrogation than small talk. It's not like he can help it, he's made peace with himself that he does care for Kalim and he's still wary of people around him.

She sat down in the couch in the opposite side of Jamil. The she told her story. "Hmm.. I was simply a lowly servant doing mundane things like bringing tea or snacks for the rest of Master Kalim's siblings or doing laundry. About a day when Amir was born, Master Kalim called all servants of the Asim palace. Then he personally chose and tested each person and chose the most trustworthy."

"The most trustworthy? Not the most skilled?" Jamil raised an eyebrow. He gets why they would need a trustworthy person, then again, that's probably partially his fault on why Kalim chose meticulously and emphasized on trust so much.

"We were all given a week to tend to the baby's needs. I... didn't do well." She pauses.

Jamil was curious again. Why would Kalim choose someone who was incapable?

"I was a mess. I kept getting everything wrong, and I definitely broke few plates or two." She chuckled at herself.

"Seems like a demanding job." Again, Jamil takes a sip of his tea.

"Of course all for us were following the standard that you, yourself, set."

Jamil choked a bit on his tea. "𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘥? 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨?" he's quite baffled at the statement.

"You were not aware are you? Everyone always looked up to you, being so young yet so was known to all us that the work of Jamil Viper was nothing but perfection. Everyone strived to be like you, the cunning and careful planning, the preparedness you had was second to none. And before we knew it, you became the standard for how an Asim servant should be."

If he was being honest, he felt a bit shy and pride. Maybe he was too engulfed in his resentment that he never noticed those who did appreciate him. He never noticed them, because he was focused on Kalim. He knew to himself he was capable and he was confident in his abilities, he just never thought people looked up to him for it. It was nice to know he was appreciated back then, though he would've preferred to hear this a bit earlier. Then again, better late than never. A soft smile made its way to his face

"Papa?" Amir rubbed his eyes. Before he knew it he's already in his pajamas.

"Oh did I wake you?"

The child uttered a no half asleep, Kalim proceeded to tuck him to his bed. "Do you need a bedtime story or are you too tired?"

"Tired...." Amir's eyes lidded, he yawned.

"Ok" He kisses his son, "Goodnight."

Just as when Kalim was about to turn the night light off, "There is one thing...."

"Oh? What is it?" Kalim isn't one to say no to his kid, but something tells him this going to go to a direction he's not expecting.

"Um...I saw some kids with their mom earlier..."


"I'm just always say mom will come back...but it's been so long....." Amir's face was filled with sadness. Whenever Amir made this face, Kalim's heart always breaks, he could endure all sorts of pain, betrayal, posion, a stab wound. But he was weak for his son...

"She's coming back...ok?...I... I'm doing my best to find her so don't cry...while she's gone I'm here...I will never leave you." He joined his son in his bed and cuddled the sad child. He hates seeing tears in his son's eyes, he promised himself he will protect Amir, no matter how hard it takes. He'll always be there for him.

"I love you Amir... don't forget that."

He then sang a lullaby, one that a Viper sang once to was a distant but precious memory. The nostalgic and soft tune filled the room. Soon his son drifted off to sleep. And once again he's reminded on what he's fighting for.

He then releases a big exhale.

"Where are you Elena? Our son needs you please....."

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