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Scott's presentation on his alien abduction had made quite an impression on his classmates and his teacher. The teacher had given him an A+ for it and the other students were constantly asking him questions about his experience on the alien planet.

Scott had become somewhat of a celebrity in his school. Everyone wanted to be friends with him and hear more about his alien abduction. Scott was happy to oblige, and he even began to give talks at other schools about his experience.

But with all the attention came a downside. Scott had become a target for alien kidnappers. They knew that he had knowledge of their existence and they wanted to silence him.

Scott had started to receive strange phone calls and messages. They were all threats to keep quiet about the aliens. But Scott refused to back down. He knew that the truth needed to be heard.

One day, while Scott was walking home from school, he was ambushed by a group of aliens. They had come to take him back to their planet. But Scott was prepared. He had been given a special device by Trewquert, the alien that had originally abducted him. It was a device that would transport him back to Earth if he ever found himself in danger again.

Scott activated the device and was instantly teleported back to his home planet. The aliens were left behind, confused and defeated.

Scott knew that he couldn't let this happen again. He had to do something to protect himself and others from the dangers of the alien world. So, he decided to become a UFO investigator. He would dedicate his life to studying and exposing the truth about aliens and their existence on Earth.

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