Her luck ran out

Beginne am Anfang

Jake: I believe it the world never stops for someone in your situation

Callie: mhm...thank you for listening though

Jake: Dang nab it, will you stop doing that? Your lipstick is a pain to get off.

Callie: Nope

Jake: You're unbearable... So what are you going to do? You need that chip

Callie: the only thing I can. Keep on going till the chip is cracked, and then don't know

Jake: What do they put in that lipstick? It won't come off...You have to have a plan

Callie: The color looks good on you. I don't. The only thing I can guess would be to find a way back to Vergil and get those schematics

Jake: No one's gonna let you

Callie: I know. The only thing I can come up with that will work is to upgrade my PA with better rad cleaners, find and wear a Hazmat suit under it and use a vertibird to get in and out as fast as possible.

Jake: That might work

Callie: Keyword, might work. Also, the place looks good, Jake; I'm proud of you.

Jake: Really? Again? You know you keep leaving lipstick marks on me. I'ma

Callie: You're going to what? Daww... it's cute when you get flustered

Jake: I'm going to...Know what? No, you have enough to deal with

Callie: oh come onnnnn! It's talking time, tell me

Deacon: He has a crush on you

Sound detected "ear-piercing scream."

Callie: WHAT.THE FUCK.DEACON! Where the hell did you come from?

Jake: I DO NOT!

Callie: Oh my god, I think my heart just stopped... No, hold on...You scared the piss out of me.

Deacon: hahaha, sorry. I have been told I'm too quiet for my own good. You should have seen your face rahhhhhhh aha hah....OUCH, you hit hard

Callie: serves you right!

Jake: it was kind of funny

Callie: hush... Deacon, given I've only known you a few days, I can safely say you know shit about my people, so shut it.

Deacon: I don't need to know you or them to see that on his face

Jake: I-i do NOT... Darlin'... Doll, I do not

Callie: see? Now I'm calling bullshit.

Jake: Sweet Mary and Joseph. Quit it, n go on git. I know you have things to do

Callie: Never... See you later, Jakie boy!

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Went about as well as I expected

July 15

Deacon is... Kind of growing on me. I wouldn't call him a friend, maybe more of an acquaintance but his jokes and costumes never cease to amuse me. We did that "get something from the old base" job done, and it impressed dezzie(she hates that name) enough to have her guy work on the courser chip. The thought of just do it yourself did cross my mind while we waited, but it took him two full days to decrypt it, so although I despise her... this hurts to say...I'm glad I worked with them...oww. When I got the chip back, I called Danse and Preston and asked them to meet me at Johns place to talk about the glowing sea. It went as well as I expected it to

Vault-Tec saved herWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt