Chapter 2

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this is longer than the first chapter.




I sat at the table in the dining room bored as ever as my father's assistant asked me questions. "Who was the 1st President of the 5th Republic?" She asked as she paced back and forth.

"People think it was De Gaulle but it was actually René Cory before the first elections," I answered trying to get this over with as fast as possible.

The woman stopped pacing. "Excellent, Adrien." She praised me.

"Give me a minute would you, Nathalie?" My father asked.

"Yes, sir." She obliged and stood aside.

"You are not going to school. I've already told you." My father told me. I looked at Nathalie wide-eyed knowing that she was the one to tell my father.

"But..." I say standing up from where I sat.

I didn't get to finish what I was saying because my Father cut me off. "I want you here so I can keep an eye on you, not in that dangerous world."

"It's not dangerous," I argued. "I'm always stuck here. Why can't I go out and make friends?" I asked because it's not fair. Even Chloe gets to go to school and have friends and she's the Mayor's daughter.

"You're not everyone else, you're my son." He yelled but his voice stayed flat. "Continue." He demanded then left letting a huff leave his mouth.

I stood there looking at the table. "We can stop for today if..." I didn't wait for Nathalie to finish what she was saying I just darted off to my room.

When I got there I went straight to my bed burying my head into my pillow. I felt like screaming in anger but before I could even do that I heard loud rumbling from outside and my room felt as if it was shaking.

I got off of my bed and went outside. As soon as I got outside I saw a police car and several officers standing there holding firearms. The thing that caused the rumbling came into my vision. The officers shot at it but it only grew in size.

I ran back into my room. I went to my white couch sitting on it as I grabbed my remote and turned the tv on going to the news.

"All Parisians, stay at home until the situation's under control." The Mayor said to the reporters. The reporters proceeded to ask him questions all at once.

"As incredible as it seems, Paris is being attacked by a supervillain. The police are struggling to control the situation." The news reporter announced.

"Be confident. The strong arm of the law will crushing down on the... I mean, the other arm." A police officer said while moving his now broken arm.

Sighing I look down and see a black and red hexagonal box. "Huh?" I let out confused. "What's this doing here?" I ask myself. I take the box into my hand and examine it. At first, I figured that this is from my father but then I realized that he never leaves the house.

𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙜𝙚 (Adrien x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin