Her eyes are glazed over, filled with pure terror.

There are tears in her eyes, and her mouth is open as if she is screaming.

"What have you done to her...?" I cry out with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"That wasn't his doing~" I hear a voice in my ear and flinch.

"I don't care, just fix her... FIX HER!" I choke out sobbing, and in return, I hear a giggle.

"There's nothing you or I can do..." I hear the voice again and I stand up, my quirk activating, green sparks crackling around my fist.

"I said to fix her!'' I wheel around about to throw a punch, but I stop when I see her.

"Himiko...?" my quirk deactivates, and I take in her appearance.

She is covered in blood, holding two knives.

"Quinn..." she sighs happily.

"Himiko.... What are- you..." I trail off looking at her with wide eyes as she licks the blood off her knife.

"Quinn..." she repeats and I gulp, backing up as she starts walking towards me.

"What have you done.... What have you become?" I ask as she lunges at me.


I jolt upwards headbutting something in the process.

I look around petrified, covered in sweat, and barely able to breathe.

I look beside me to see Yuga holding his nose.

"What happened to you?" I ask him and he sighs.

"You, Mon ami. Are you ok?" he asks and I nod confused.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"You were talking in your sleep, you looked absolutely petrified..."

I look at Yuga and remember my dream.

"Oh yeah... sorry it was a nightmare..." I sheepishly rub the back of my head.

"Oh, ok well here's your phone, you should think about getting ready... it's half an hour til 8"

He hands me my phone and my eyes widen.

"SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MY FIRST DAY!" I yell out jumping up and running into my room.

Hurriedly I shower and get dressed in my uniform.

It was a pair of simple black pants, with a teal blue shirt, and a pair of black shoes.

I walk out of my room looking at my phone.

"7:50...." I mutter to myself thinking of the quickest way to get to the cafe.

I couldn't use my quirk because that was illegal, and well I wasn't trying to get into trouble on my third day back home.

"I can just lightly use my quirk no one will know anyways." I activate my quirk a little bit so there are no sparks when I run, and I take off running.

"HEY WATCH OUT MAN!" a male with blonde hair with a black streak in it yells as I zip past him.

I arrive at the cafe and check my phone, deactivating my quirk.

"Phew 2 minutes left...." I walk in and greet my coworkers.

"Morning Kaibara..." I state lazily and he nods in response.

I clock in and grab the purple apron off the wall that has my name tag stuck to it.

I stand beside Kaibara in silence for a few minutes before he finally breaks the silence.

Quick Bloody Love (Himiko Toga X MaleOc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя