Chapter 15- LAW AND ORDER

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1k reads????!!!! Omg guys my story is not that good but still you read it and comment and like it... It really means a lot thanks

I'm sorry but this chapter is going to make you hate me...



"Oh Rose, I've been thinking about making her my queen of Brooklyn if you know what I mean...", Spot smirked, his eyebrow raised as he nudged my shoulder.

Ow. Whats that searing pain in my chest? Oh yeah, heartbreak and disgust. But why feel that way for "the Spot Conlon's"? All he's done is hurt me and stab me in the back.

All I know is that I made up my mind. My heart doesn't yearn for Skittery, it yearns for someone else. It could be Spot or Mush or Jack for all I care, I just don't like Skittery in that way...

I think....


Right when I started to walk back to the lodge I heard footprints following me. Every corner, every twist and turn they followed me. My paces becoming long strides and my breathes mutating into short gasps.

Who is this? What does he/she want?

I finally stopped and turned around.

"What do-", I was in the middle of saying before everything was covered in darkness.

I open my eyes to find myself walking into a court room. Spot, Skittery, Rose, and the other newsies were there. Just not Jack. And of course the mayor himself appeared.

"Whats going on?! Whats Happening?!", I asked while I'm forced to sit in a seat, right in front of the judge.

"Carter Owens. You have been arrested for kidnapping the mayors daughter. Am I right?", the judge started.

"I never-", I said getting interrupted.

"SILENCE!', Yelled the judge as he smacked the gabble down.

"Your little friend Jack went to the refuge this morning. I don't see why we can't send one more...", The judge declared raising his gabble once more.

"Ally you've got to stop! Just show the judge who you really are!", Rose screamed out from the small group of people.

Is it really time? Is it already over? Being a newsie was great while it lasted...

"Your honor, I've done nothing wrong...", I say to the judge.

"SILENCE!", the judge shouted once more.

"Well your honor, I knew Patty... Patty your daughter....", I carry on whilst the Judges eyes become bigger.

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