Y/N: Ya. I am so eagerly waiting for that moment.

He chuckled awkwardly.

Taehyung: Calm down. I just joked.
Y/N: But I didn't.

He gulped.
With that I turned around and was about to walk but stopped when I heard

Taehyung: What a wonderful morning!

I turned around.

Taehyung: Nothing. Let's leave after eating our breakfast.

I nodded and we went downstairs to eat our breakfast.
While eating, he asked

Taehyung: Do you remember his bet?
Y/N: How can I forget it?

We left after eating our breakfast.

We reached there.
When we got down, we saw Mr.Lee.

Mr.Lee: Good morning, Ms.Kang and Mr.Kim.
Y/N: Good morning, Mr.Lee. Are the models ready?
Mr.Lee: Ya.
Y/N: Can we meet them?

He nodded and led us to them.

They were getting ready when we went to them

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They were getting ready when we went to them.

They smiled when they saw us. But there are only four of them. 

I looked around and asked

Y/N: Where is Emily?

They looked around.

Scarlett: She was here just now. I will go and find her.

She said while getting up from her seat.

Y/N: Wait. We will go and search for her. You guys get ready for the show.

I said with a small smile and looked at him.
He nodded and we left.
He went one side and I went the other side to search for her.

I started to walk while looking around.
That's when I bumped onto someone.

Y/N: Sorry-

I stopped by looking at the person's face.

Y/N: Mr. Choi?

I mumbled.

Hana's dad.
He looked at me with a stern face.

Mr. Choi: Leave my way.

I quickly moved aside. He just left without looking back.
I looked at him till he vanished from my sight.

Y/N: What can I expect from him?

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around.

Taehyung: Did you find her?

I shook my head. When I was about to talk further,

... : Model missing?

I looked beside me only to find Leo smirking.

Leo: What will you do now, Ms.Kang?

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Where stories live. Discover now