What is BDSM?

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Discipline (Dominance)

Sadism (Submission)


This is a relationship, romantic, platonic, sexual, nonsexual in which one person assumes a dominant or directive role, and one person assumes a submissive or directed role.

My favorite points about BDSM:


You either choose to be or you don't. If anyone were to approach you and tell you that they have control over you or imply that are your dominant without your permission, that's not a real dynamic.

2) Consent matters more than anything else. More than how dominant you are, how submissive you are, or any combination. Even two willing partners should discuss consent, over and over!

What you agree to doing one day you may not the next.

3) Everyone has limits.

If a dom or sub ever says they have NO limits, walk away! There's no such thing as no limits.

Are you willing to kill someone or let them kill you during a scene? Doubt it. Therefore you have limits, and probably a line way before that extreme example.

4) Being in a D/s (Dominant submissive dynamic abbreviation), doesn't mean your dom is perfect. They will still make mistakes even though they are leading you, just like you will make mistakes being led.

My books are fiction, the doms in my books will have faults, none of them will ever be a perfect example of a dom. I am not a perfect example of a dom and I've been in the scene for a long time.

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