Arrogant Jerk |Sasuke Love story|

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Name: TsukikoMaindotatchi (Moon child mind touch)

Age: 16

Height: 5’0

Description: long black hair with bangs, eyes change depending on what she feels. Hour glass body.

Green- calm, Red- Angry / frustrated, Blue- sad, Golden- Happy, Pink- lust/ love, Purple- embarrassed, Brown- Sick, Black- Pain

Rank: Chunin (Jounin ranked skills)

Chakra nature: all

Abilities: She can hear people thoughts and also send people her own thoughts if she needs to. She likes to use genjutsu the most but if that doesn’t work she will use ninjutsu or taijutsu. She doesn’t use ninja tools unless it’s necessary.

About her: She usually keeps to herself. She likes to sing. She doesn’t usually get close to people because she’s scared they will just be killed or try to kill her. She just wishes she was a normal ninja.

Past: she’s from the rain village and they thought of her clan as monsters. Said they were abomination on earth. Weren’t human. Her whole clan was killed when she was 6. She was at her friend’s house when it happened. She’s the only one left or is she? So from that day forth she just travels from village to village hoping one will except her as human and not a monster. 

Arrogant Jerk |Sasuke Love story|Where stories live. Discover now