Laying foundation

368 6 6

May 25, 2013

The beginning of our character is not a pleasant one. In the early years he was a happy child, with loving and supporting parents with a fun uncle and a soft hearted bandit of an aunt. The only thing going wrong was Signal, while he was average in it, the social aspect was awful. He was called "blind eye Mark" because of people thinking he was blind in his right eye as it was pure yellow and his not so great spatial awareness he was easier to trip. His sisters were always there to help him and protect him from bullies. Though one occasion neither were there and this was a bad scenario. If it weren't for the awakening and the start of his path.

Cardin: Well look what we have here, if it isn't Blind eye Mark.

Him along with his goons Russel, Sky, and Dove start laughing while closing in on Mark. With the latter slowly backing away into a corner.

Sky: Look at him crawling into the corner.

The three were closing in ready to punch him but Mark wasn't going to let them get the chance.

Mark: The teacher is coming!

He points to the right causing the four to turn giving Mark a chance to escape quickly running to the left in an attempt to leave them but unfortunately Russel grabs him by the hood and throws him into the corner.

Cardin: That's a funny trick you got. Too bad it didn't work.

He nods to Russel and Sky and they both pick up Mark by his arms as Cardin cracks his fingers.

Mark: Hey hey hey!

His right eye begins to dimly glow as his right hand began to cover itself in white fabric. At the tips of his fingers the fabric tore itself apart revealing yellow glowing claws. Russel who was holding his right arm looked at the glove and released his grip on it allowing Mark to punch Sky in the gut making him release his grip allowing Mark to run off.

Cardin: Don't just stand there, Get him!

He tells his lackeys as the three scramble off to find Mark. With Mark, he was trying to find a way out of the school trying to navigate the maze like walls of the school but every turn he takes he ends up nowhere good.

Mark: Come on, come on. Think!

He tries thinking of a place to hide but he's spotted by Dove causing Mark to run again. With Dove chasing him down Mark's left almost out of stamina until he remembers a janitor's closet that's always left open.

Mark: I've got it!

He snaps the fingers on his right hand in glee finally knowing where to go but unbeknownst to anyone witnessing the chase, Mark gets enveloped in a bright golden light causing Dove to cover his eyes. Once the light dies down Dove finds out Mark has completely vanished.

Dove: What the hell!

In a janitor closer nearby a yellow light morphed into a humanoid figure in a position similar to that in the middle of running. As the light dies out, in its place is Mark seemingly stuck in time. Suddenly Mark runs into the nearby wall leaving a small indent of himself and falls down.

Mark: Ack!

He rubs his head as he gets off the floor. He looks around the room finding out he's in the janitor room he was thinking about earlier.

Mark: What happened?

He peeks out of the door checking both sides before leaving the closet. He checks his hand finding a glove with yellow glowing tips.

Mark: What happened to it?

He's about to touch his hand but suddenly the fabric disappears leaving his hand looking as it was before.

The Primordial Named Mark Rose Where stories live. Discover now