Part 1

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I fucking hate sport- with every bone in my big old body, I mean that dramatically.
It's just not my thing you know that's why I hang out with Chloe, my best friend, well that's not why I hang out with her it's just a great bonus.
I have nothing against people who play sports, I mean I probably hate it because I suck at them. But I do hate the sports groups, they think they own the place with smug smiles plastered on their faces as they saunter their way down the halls like they own the god damn place. But again I could look past this, I just avoid that corridor.
What I won't forgive them for is the absolute fear of walking out of school and behind the football pitch- the open football pitch where one wrong move ends up with a ball smashed into the side of your head...
So narrowing it down I hate football- terrifying for someone to admit living in England so I'll kept that to myself for a little while.

Luckily I got driven into school today so I didn't have this stress of walking in, Chloe was perched on the wall outside a vape between her lips then coughing it away as she saw my mum making me laugh,

"By mum, love you! See you later!"I said shutting the door and walking over to Chloe with a smile as she met me halfway and we walked in

"Psychology?"she asked and I nodded, she had media lucky bastard

"Meet for lunch?"she asked rounding the corner and I nodded as she walked up the stairs and I approached my class

"Fucks sake!"i mumbled walking in- early and made my way right to the back after smiling and saying hi to the teacher.
No one wants to be the first on class it's just plain embarrassing, however I have next to no friends in this class so not that much of a worry.
God was on my side today- not that I believe in god- and everyone else showed up within minutes and class began, looking around the room and the teacher groaned on I tried to figure out who didn't come in today- Matt, because he's too lazy; Sophie because she's with Matt and...I couldn't figure it out

My gaze roamed over the room landing on the window into the hallway to see Tom/ that's who was missing- drop all his books and throw his head back with a groan, I bit back a smile as then dragged my eyes back to the teacher when he knocked on the door with an apologetic smile and slid in taking the last seat at the front.

He was wearing the schools blue sports hoodie along with black cargos, I don't actually know what sport he plays for the school, he's super quiet in this class, everyone is I think it's a morning class thing but I've occasionally seen him with the sports lot and he's all smiles and pearly whites then, that goes for most people in this classroom once they leave though.
That being said I like psychology just not the boring parts of it aka todays lesson.

I turn to Milly and decide to mentally clock into this lesson and start doing the work...


She's fucking gorgeous,I don't go out my way to notice her it just happens. With the pleasure of being late to todays lesson my eyes scanned the room landing on hers for a split second before sitting down.
She's got deep brown eyes and long dark hair to match. I huddle myself into the corner trying to hide the fact I'm fucking freezing,walking in was not a good idea and cargos do NOT keep you warm,as I'm learning, but they're so much easier for rugby practice.
Another chill goes through me so I turned to see if any windows are open and catch her too, she's in an oversized hoodie staring right out the window but as if she could sense me staring she turned eyes catching mine as she send me an awkward smile pushing her lips together my heart thumping slightly,
Get it the fuck together dude

Another 40 minutes went by and the teacher announced something about extra credit work if you wanted to stay behind and hear- I'm not a school person but I stayed anyway along with James, Molly and Olive
James and molly are dating so they quickly signed the sheet then left leaving Olive ,me and my thumping heart.
She patted her hips to check her pockets for a pen so I handed her mine earning a mumbled thanks as she signed the sheet, handed me back my pen with a soft smile but I didn't take it back yet making her look into my eyes for a second as my hand reached out and she smiled walking out the room.

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