Chapter 8

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Pha's pov:

We immediately perked up when the doors opened and the doctor came out after another hour.

"Doctor, how is our son?" Mama asked frantically.

"He's stable. He had consumed quite a dangerous drug but thankfully, he threw it up before it could take full effect. So his life isn't in danger." He replied.

We breathed relieved sighs at that.

He's going to be ok...

"The drug is one that causes the whole respiratory system to shut down in the span of a few minutes. If he hadn't thrown it up when he did, he would have been in much more critical state. But we will still keep him intubated for 3 hours just to be on the safe side. He will wake up in around 6 hours." He added.

I bit my lips as my anxiety increased at that.

If he hadn't been so fast to notice that there was something in the drink...

If he had been any slower...

Tears started forming in my eyes just thinking about him being in a critical state.

"We will be moving him to a VIP room on the third floor. Take care of the necessary paperwork from the register and you can go see him." The doctor instructed before walking away.

"Thank god Forthie realised something was wrong and threw it up quickly..." Mom muttered, hugging mama.

Dad, dad, and mama, nodded in agreement.

They looked terrified, worried and furious.

No doubt the person behind this is going to regret being alive.


We all went to the room after taking care of the paperwork.

The ateady beeping of the heart monitor greeted us as we went inside.

There he was.

Laying on the queen sized bed in the middle of the room hooked onto multiple wires.

His skin looked paler than normal.

I went around and sat down on the bed beside him, making sure to be careful of the wires while the others settled around the bed.

I took his hand into mine and kissed his knuckles gently.

Thank you for being ok...

Thank you...

"Thank god you're going to be ok, baby..." Mama muttered, kissing his hair gently.

Dada squeezed his hand in his while dropping a kiss on the back of it.

I didn't miss the stray tear that rolled down his cheek.

"Thank god for his sharp instincts..." Mom mumbled rubbing his thigh gently.

We all nodded in agreement.


"Neh, Forthie... I don't think i can take it anymore..." I muttered as i watched him sleep.

The others had left to take care of some work.

They said they would be back in time for when he'll wake up.

My heart was still pounding in my chest as i squeezed his hand tightly in mine.

"Today, i was so scared... When i felt you pass out in my arms... It felt as if everything was falling apart... The mere thought of something happening to you was enough to make my heart stop... I couldn't bear to lose you..." Tears streamed down my face as i pressed my lips onto the back of his hand.

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