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I hate school.

I don't know why I bother going, I spend the entire time hiding in the bathroom or in the nurse. At least, I used to go to the nurse until my parents got a call from the school about me "getting into fights" and I was grounded for a week. I wish I didn't have to skip class, I really do want to go to college, but how can I when some jackass whose been beating me since my first day of high school is always doing shit to get under me skin?

I can't even ride the bus anymore because the bullying got so bad. It's still bad now, but since I walk I get a whole lot less of it. My older brother, Zayn, refuses to drive me because all of his wonderfully idiotic friends take up the whole car. So that's why I'm still currently walking home from school, even though it ended fifteen minutes ago.

I didn't get anything too bad today from anyone, probably because they already went pretty bad last Friday, and so I should only have a few bruises in places where it doesn't really show. I hate going home everyday to find knew bruises and marks on me, but I guess it's just how life goes right now.

I finally get home, closing the door behind me as I see all of Zayn and his friends in the living room and watching the footy game, but they're arguing about something. I roll my eyes knowing it is probably Niall and Zayn because Niall always forces them to watch the games and they hate it. 

I grab a slice of leftover pizza from the fridge, eating it cold as I make my way into the living room. A few up them like to sit on the floor up against the couch for whatever reason, so I take a seat on the far end of the couch when Zayn turns his head to look at me.

"You better have not just eaten the last slice," he warns.

"Don't worry, there's like five pieces left," I roll my eyes.

"Dibs," Niall yells, getting up from the floor and running into the kitchen.

"Dibs doesn't mean anything, you wanker. What are we, second graders?" Zayn scoffs as Niall comes back in, only for Niall to roll his eyes and sit back down. The two fight more than a married couple, even though it's purely just for the fun of it. It's an odd relationship, those four boys have with each other.

"Hey munchkin," Harry says, turning to me. "Go get me a slice and I'll give you the rest of this," he holds over his half-eaten cookie.

"Deal," I say, running to grab him a slice before taking it in exchange for the cookie, taking a bite excitedly after mumbling a small "sucker" to him.

"Am I?" he asks me, smirking. I eye him suspiciously as I chew the cookie, before fake gagging when I realize it's raisin instead of chocolate chip.

"You shithead, this is raisin!" I yell, causing Niall to laugh loudly.

"Louis, can you please shut up and leave? We're trying to watch this," Zayn says in annoyance. I roll my eyes, getting up to leave.

"Hear that, Niall? Zayn wants to talk about the game with you," I call out as I leave. I hear Niall start talking Zayn's ear off and I smile in accomplishment knowing Zayn's gonna be annoyed for the rest of the game with the way Niall talks about the football.

I get back to my room, grinning to myself as I look at the cookie in my hand. Not because of the cookie in particular, no, but because it was Harry who gave it to me. As typical as it sounds, I've always had a crush on him. I mean, he's super hot, after all, and he doesn't treat me like shit the ways Zayn does. He doesn't baby me the way Niall and Liam do, either. We just talk like friends, with little banters and shit.

I know it's not smart to like a guy I know will always see me as his best friend's annoying little brother, but I can't really choose who I find completely and undeniably hot. Besides, all it will ever be is some puny little crush, and it's not like I'll get the chance to act on my feelings anyways. Me and Harry are just friends, if that. Nothing will happen.

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