chapter one:chores

17 1 0

TW//implied abuse, slight swearing

Narrator's POV

George awoke from his silk blue sheets, unready for another day of being harassed by his father to find a wife before his 17th birthday. Also unready being harassed by servants left and right planning for the ball that was to be held on his bittersweet seventeenth.

After slipping on a cornflower-colored collared shirt along with a white-dot-embroidered tunic, he was ready to face what the day would bring him. Slipping on uncomfortable brown dress shoes marked his ability to leave his room, only to run directly into a *very* frazzled Ranboo, who was just about to knock.

¨Jesus George, are you psychic or something?¨ asked the taller, beginning to walk down the hallway with him.

¨I wish,¨ the prince stated ¨then I would be able to predict whatever new princess Father is going to throw at me today.¨

Ranboo laughed,¨About that,¨ The prince groaned and threw his head back as the advisor handed him the schedule for today.

Looking at the list, the schedule was scrawled in Ranboo's messy handwriting like so:

8:00am-Determine flowers for party

9:00am-Head to Niki's for breakfast

10:00am-Outfit brainstorming w/ Eret

11:00am-Studying kingdom history

12:00pm-5:00pm-Meet with Princess Minx of the Xirith Nation

The schedule was by no means formal, George had always liked that about Ranboo. But another princess? There was a new one every day now. All very conventionally pretty, but the thing about George was that he was gay as hell. His dad would have him burned at the stake if he knew though…

¨Earth to George! Anyone home?¨ Ranboo said, knocking twice on George's skull, snapping him away from his thoughts.

¨Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah, no. Another princess? C'mon now, can't a guy catch a break?¨ George said, rushed.

¨I know! No way you deserve this dude. Especially since, yakno.¨ Ranboo said, raising his arm and letting his wrist fall limp.

¨SHSHSHSHSH!¨ George whispered, whipping his head around madly, checking if anyone was nearby. Ranboo clapped a hand over his mouth, after realizing how loud he'd said that in the echoey castle walls.

¨Sorry¨ he whimpered quietly, clearly used to the king's idea of consequences for mistakes. George couldn't help but think about the scars on his back.

¨You're good just,¨ George sighed ¨Let's go¨ he said, taking a left down yet another long, vast hallway towards the exit.

After breaking into the fresh air outside, both prince and enderman saddled up on their respective horses and set out on a trot to the marketplace.

After racing there and almost falling several times, they arrived at the market, bustling with people checking things off their to-do list as well. George had loved it here ever since he was a child. He much preferred the slightly cramped, bubbly, kind energy of the people in the village to the vast, cold, stone walls of the castle and all its cowering servants with no soul, humor, or personality.

First mission was flowers, specifically ones that George could see the colors of. Ranboo was forcing the prince to jog behind him with his long legs speedwalking to the flower stand, his tail swishing behind him excitedly(violently).

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