Ch.12 No Damsel In Distress

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  Walking into the throne room, I see Nightmare fighting three skeletons. One seemed to be an artist complete with a colorfully stained long beige scarf, a giant paint brush in hand, a set of paint vials on a sash around their chest, and a black smudge of ink on their cheek. He was wearing a dark brown and white top, with a dark brown pair of pants. He had black high-top shoes. I could feel artificial emotions of glee and excitement coming from them. The second was wearing a bright yellow vest over a black tank top and tights, complete with black fingerless gloves. They had an orange small cape and boots. They was wielding a bow and arrows. They seemed to be radiating positive emotions. Though, I could feel some deep-seeded negativity underneath. If I could feel, the third would make my soul ache in feelings of longing. With that stature, they were definitely a sans. But, they were dressed up like a Papyrus. A silver and blue battle body and shoulder guards, black tights, a blue bandana, and blue boots. He wielded a large war hammer. That he was currently trying to swing at Nightmare.

  On instinct I make his soul blue and send him backwards, away from the weapon. Nightmare looks at me, as I let go. Everyone, but Nightmare, looks confused at what had happened. I stay where I am, with Flowey in my arms, as the two ghosts float on either side of me. Looking around the blue one finally sees me. "WOWWEY, A SKELETON! I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE UNDERGROUND WAS EMPTY! HELLO NEW FRIEND. IT IS I, THE MAGNIFICENT, BLUE! WE HAVE COME TO SAVE YOUR AU! DO NOT WORRY NEW FRIEND, WE HAVE THE SITUATION UNDER CONTROL!" he says as he walks toward me.

  "Uh, Blue. I think you should stay away from them. They don't look very friendly. Plus, their holding a Flowey." The ink stained one said.

  "I can't feel any emotions coming from them." The yellow one said.

  "I think you should listen to your buddies, Blue. I'm not really someone you would want to associate with. I had to drill into my own brother's skull the phrase 'Stranger Danger', so I recommend you follow that piece of advice." I tell him.


  Just then Nightmare rises from the shadows and grabs me with his tendrils. "I wouldn't get any closer if I were you Blue. We don't want any accidents to happen do we. I might just tighten my grip on reflex and SQUEEZE." He tells them carefully tightening his hold on me. I try not to drop Flowey.

  Chara and Frisk are watching worried, as the three other skeletons start to exchange looks. "Let them go Nightmare!" the yellow cries.

  "Dream. Dream. Dream. What makes you think I would ever listen to you?" He asks.

  "If you don't we'll make you," the ink stained one said.

  "Ink! Don't threaten him when he has a hostage! What have I told you about doing that?!" the now named, Dream says.

  "Uh, I forgot. What did you tell me again? Here let me check my scarf." Ink says as he start looking at, what I now realize are, different colored notes on his scarf. Dream just sighs in exaperation.

  "This is cute and all, but I'm a busy skeleton. So if you aren't going to attack me, I'm just going to go." Nightmare says while looking at his fingers, bored. He makes a portal.

  "OH NO YOUR NOT!" Blue exclaims, running at us.

  It was too late though. He walks through and he closes it behind us. That was a pain. The flippen Star Sans think I'm being held hostage! That was going to be a problem later. At least they didn't notice my soul. That would likely open up a whole other can of worms. That's was a future me problem though. I don't have enough WILL to care about that right now. *Sigh* Nightmare sets me back on the ground.

I look around. I'm greeted by a large living room complete with a full media center, a 75" flat screen tv, and complete video game system. The couch could probably hold ten people, while more could be seated on the extra large bean bags around of the room. I walk over and plop myself down in one, Flowey in my lap. The two child spirits start to wander off. Hmm, these thing are comfy. "So, we going to talk about the absolute cluster fudge that just took place?" I ask.

  Nightmare looks at me with a frustrated faced and says, "I panicked, ok! If they knew you worked for me or what I did to your soul, then there was no way we were leaving without a fight! This way, they still don't know. You still have some anonymity. They might try looking for you, but they'll stop after a while thinking your dead. It's a win-win." He explains to me.

  "This is going to come back and bite us. I can feel it. And, my feelings are never wrong." I tell him.

  "We'll deal with what comes later. For now, stay here. I'm going to call the others so we can do introductions." He tells me and walks off.

  I lay there, eyesockets closed, and just zone out. I'm there for a few minutes before I hear someone enter from the next room over. It must have been the kitchen, is what I think as I open my sockets and lay my eyelights on a very tall skeleton. They were even taller than Papy was. They seemed to be a Papyrus too. They were wearing a white turtle neck, black slacks, brown boots, and a red scarf. They had a pink apron with the words, Kiss the Skeleton, written on it in red marker. They seemed to be very shy, by the look of their posture. They were almost folded in on themselves. Though, as adorable as the large skeleton was, their most notable feature was their face. The poor dear had large braces over their teeth. Said teeth appeared crooked and broken. They also had a crack going down the side of their head. I would commit murder if I met the person who did that to him. I knew where they lived. Yup, that's right. I knew who they were. Because the skeleton in front of me was none other than Horrortale Papyrus. Said skeleton was looking at me like a deer in headlights. Or eyelights, in this case. I say the first thing that comes to mind, "Hello precious cinnamon bun. Want a cuddle session while waiting for the others to get here?" I ask.

  Said precious cinnamon bun looks even more surprised. Then he starts crying, filled with sadness and relief. "Your Not Scared Or Disgusted By Me? That's Most People's First Reaction." He tells me between sniffles.

  "Then they're stupid. I've been through hell and been forced to do things I didn't want to. If I judged others based on just their appearances then that would be hypocritical of me. So, about that cuddle?" I say, really wanting to cuddle the traumatized skeleton.

This was something on my list of things I wanted to do in this multiverse. So I was going to do it. I open my arms wide. The skeleton practically leaps into my arms. Luckily the bean bag was so big. These thing were massive. I readjust Flowey. Who was asleep. Surprised he didn't wake up. Well this is nice. I snuggle into the larger skeleton. Oh, almost forgot. "I don't think I caught your name. I'm Aster. Bi-gender. Pronouns She/Her. What's yours." I say to him.

  "It's Cinnamon. Non-binary. Pronouns He/Him Or They/Them. It's Nice To Meet You Aster. I'm Surprised You Didn't Know My Name, Since You Called My Cinnamon Bun." He tells me.

  "I just call it, like I see it. And everything about you screams you are a precious cinnamon bun." I tell him cooing.

He blushes embarrassed. I giggle. I settle into the bean bag better and close my eyesockets again. I wonder if there is already a Papyrus Protection Squad. If not, I'm going to start one. Paps like Cinnamon need to be protected. Their too precious for the world. That was probably something I could bond with the others over. Hmm. I wonder if I could get Wine in on it. He has a little brother. I think they were called Coffee. We'll see how things go after proper introductions. For now, let's just enjoy some cuddles.

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