Chapter 146

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Chapter 146 The Interstellar Music of the Savage Leader

    The meaning of the second sentence is already very obvious, and the pertinence is also very strong. After he showed his excellent music level, even people who had believed in Moshi couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

    Is there really an inside story?

    They have also heard Mo Chu's music. It is undeniable that the shock his music brings to human beings is no worse than that of Mo Xi's original version. Even the ups and downs and the docking parts are handled very skillfully, but it seems to be a part of Mo Xi's. The version is a bit deliberate and dry.

    There is no comparison, people believe that they have mastered the market, and even use the news of "slut Mo Chu" to be secretly proud, gossip with people, and show that they understand the truth, and even the guesses in their mouths are sure when they say it, The three became tigers, and Mo Chu completely became "the slut Mo Chu".

    However, when the same Mo Xi and Mo Chu show the same piece of music, there is a distinction between high and low. And this Gao is the slandered Mo Chu they hate recently. Even if he was just a layman, he subconsciously felt that the "Warm" that Mo Shi brought to the world was very exciting.

    In order to demonstrate fairness, justice and openness, the games were all broadcast live, and Mo 30's words were tantamount to making a declaration to the world. He is a well-deserved musical genius, and just two short paragraphs caused an overwhelming heated discussion.

    "This, this, how can he have a face! He who plagiarized others and said that he didn't plagiarize so solemnly, is this a thief calling to catch a thief? Bad review, Mo Chu, this scheming bitch, fuck it! Get out of the music industry, you and this gentle scum! !"

    "His words are very ambiguous. Isn't Mo Chu and Mo Xi a game between brothers. I don't know what the truth is. In short, it's like the two countries snatch the island, and they all plausibly belong to themselves. Mo Xi "Warm" is good, and Mo Chu's "Warm" is also very good. So I can't comment now, in short, the truth will definitely come out in the end, I choose to support real musicians."

    "Mo Xi worked hard to make "Warm" , Mo Chu is embarrassed, so he used it, and dared to say that he didn't plagiarize, did he come to laugh? He is not plagiarism??? The moment he played "Warm", it was already plagiarism I'm so shameless, hurry up, hurry up, I'm really disappointed in him. Plagiarism is not terrible, after all, people can go the wrong way and be blinded, but it's boring if they don't repent, and that's what happened to Mo Chu."

    "Ah . Ah, Mo Chuda is right! He was too lazy to deal with these ignorant people before, did he really think that I, Mo Chuda, failed? No, I am the best Mo Chuda! His music is from the beginning to the end. , You don't understand that Mo Chu dares to hurt Mo Chu. I will now see how Mo Chu slaps the face. Those who once supported Mo Xi and belittled Mo Chu, wait for the face to hurt and see what you have in the future. Your face is yelling here." All

    kinds of comments made people who didn't pay much attention to this game couldn't help but watch.

    At this moment, the homepages of the major media were updated again. Different from the previous unified caliber, they immediately changed the manuscript this time, intercepting Mo Shi's words of Lingyun Zhuangzhi, and made a series of guesses again. It's all about getting people's attention, and it's natural to write about complexity.

    And it is precisely because of this psychology of the media that Mo Chu's first impression of a comeback started with this.

    The music competition was still going on, and when Mo Thirty finished his words. Fen was the first to stand up, with a very solemn tone: "What do you mean?"

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