Origins of Chico and Blanca

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Deep behind the jungle and the mountains lies an Aztec-styled village, we're a couple are in a medical hut.

A curvy stoic woman with green eyes and tan skin and blonde hair is giving birth to her second child. While her husband is a big man who has brown eyes, tan skin, and long straight black hair. Is holding her hand trying to comfort her.

"You're doing great keep breathing!"

"Keep pushing I can see the head," said the midwife.

"AHHHH!" screamed the mother to be.

"That's it mí Amor. Keep going, your doing great," exclaimed her husband.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! AHHHHH!" yelled the wife.

"Almost there!" announced the midwife then.
(baby cries)
"Congratulations Chiefs! you have a healthy baby girl," she said then took the baby to be cleaned up.

The couple was joyful to hear the news but when the midwife and her helpers came back, her face was uncertain like something was wrong.

"Is something wrong with our daughter is she okay?" the mother asked.

"Well no, not exactly. I don't know how to tell you this but after cleaning her up we saw how distinct she was," she said carrying the cleanup infant who was covered by the blanket. The midwife went up to the parents and revealed their baby's features. She was as white as a ghost, from her little white hairs to her pale skin and she hasn't opened her eyes so who knows what color they are?

The parents held the baby from the woman for a closer look. They had a lot of thoughts and emotions going through them one being she's so cute and tiny along with 'HUH?!'

"Tano, I don't know what to say?" said Chara.

"I know beloved neither do I this is..." he said just as confused as his wife while the baby held his finger he turned to the nurse, "There has never been any albinism in my family before at least that I know of..."

Chara added, "Me too, as far as I know, but is she an albino or a..."

"Well so far her skin shows no signs other than being pale, and her hair is similar to other cases, however, we won't know until we see her eyes," said the midwife.

Chara smiles as her baby food, "Tano she is so beautiful but if she is a ghost baby then you know what that means..."

"She'll have to join the protectors on missions. I know it's how our city gathers information on the outside world. But that doesn't make it any less dangerous she's only a baby." Tano sighed.

"I know that but it wouldn't be till she is older and shell be trained by the best warriors!" she assured him, while trying to convince herself.

"Your right, but for now let's just enjoy this moment we have with our new baby girl."

"So what should we name her?"

"Well at first Maya but now that she's here I think Blanca would suit her."

"Blanca? Isn't that little too on the nose?" as Chara said this the baby girl smiled at the name revealing red eyes.

"She seems to like it," said Tano.

"Welcome to the world Blanchita," sighed Chara affectionately.

"Let's introduce you to the rest of your family," said Tano as their family came to see the baby they were concerned about her features at first, but they adored her now it was time for the big brother to meet his new Hermana.

"Chico, mijo, this is your new sister Blanca," Tano told his son who he held up to be near the new baby.

At first, Chico just stared at her because he was only a baby himself but when she grabbed his nose he cried out which made her cry.

"Well that's a start" joked a relative as Tano and Chara tried to calm them down.

-Years later -

As the years went by Chico and Blanca became closer as siblings. Best friends even. Though competitive friends, in sports, chores, meals, and games, they would always try to outdo each other. It annoyed their parents especially when their other siblings were born they tried to make babysitting a competition! Luckily as they grew older they became less competitive but only slightly.

When Blanca started to train with the other ghost warriors she couldn't compete with Chico as much since he had his own role in the village to fulfill. When she was learning about the outside world she would tell Chico about it. Now both were told when they were young that some villagers were allowed to go outside but only if prepared and/or accompanied by a trained warrior. Blanca being a ghost would be trained so she can gain intel and escort her family if needed. Chico was a great combatant but he favored stories and what they could teach more than fighting sometimes. Blanca was a skilled archer and she loved jumping around in the jungle but she also admired how the jungle had plants that could heal certain injuries. So Blanca learned from the healers. However, what both siblings had in common was the desire to go outside their hidden city and observe the outside world.

When the day came for them to journey outside they used a secret passage on a boat to travel without revealing the city's location. They ended up in San Angel where they meet a mariachi band who told them about the legendary battle that took place in the Mexican town. The story got their attention. The band was nice, and goofy but was polite enough to show them around and introduce them to the Sanchez-Posada household there is when they met the Twin sisters and became friends. They informed their family of their first day by secrecy message by owl.

Chico fell in love with learning and started taking classes. Blanca started learning more about medicine and how it works. But when war came the letters became fewer and fewer. When these events happen they would need to return to their city since they are not of this world. However one night they saw the Sanchez sisters leave their home and transform into their hero personas. Shocked at the discovery of magic they followed them and wore their warrior garb. That was when they took down their first bad guy and had a superhero team up. They learned the purpose of heroes was to counteract the effects of villains super and non, to keep the world safe. It does not matter where you are from if you want to do good for the right reason you can be a hero too. With this credo told they went to the program and registered, it was easy thanks to General Posada. When the war was done. Blanca still wanted to study medicine so she stayed to finish. Chico wanted to be more than a warrior chief so he became a teacher. They messaged their family about their decision but had no reply. They still message them and would get some back but they knew what they said hurt. Chico stayed in San Angel with his friends as a teacher while Blanca who still held a piece of the jungle in her heart decided to join a charity that explored all the jungles in Central America to find plants that could cure diseases. The siblings would miss each other but Blanca promised to write and visit for the holidays. Little did they know that somewhere along the line something would happen to separate them for years.

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