Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 Warlord Tiger Commander's Alluring Flower King

    Compared with the safety of Wang, a woman who appeared out of nowhere and seemed to have a ghost in her heart was naturally insignificant. Especially in this kind of battle with a powerful enemy, if the king loses his strength, they will lose too much. They need a king to lead them forward, so the king must not lose his strength!

    Even the courtiers who were hesitant before have also firmed their hearts. If a slave is exchanged for the king's sin, they will sacrifice her no matter what, even if she is innocent. In fact, in this matter, countless pairs of eyes have seen Gong Nalan pollute the Shenshui with her feet, so she is not innocent at all!

    When the courtiers exhorted excitedly, the people who were agitated by Mo Thirty's words also knelt on the ground and asked the king to stop his self-abuse behavior. At this moment, whether it is the bird family, the fish family, or even the flower family, they have abandoned the differences between their races.

    Gong Nalan stared blankly at the courtiers who stood firm in an instant, and then looked at the common people who were not sure why, but gave her a resentful look, and sighed in her heart. She thought that she would take the initiative to take the initiative, but she did not expect this king to use such a sympathetic gesture to push her to an injustice by retreating! ! !

    Goddamn bastard! If she survives today, she will definitely want him to die! !

    At this moment, what she said was wrong. The eyes of these people looking at her are full of contempt and hatred, so unless she saves herself today, she will definitely be cut alive. Grinding her teeth hard, Gong Nalan's eyes overflowed with bloodthirsty eyes. Since killing her fiance who betrayed her, she has not fallen so hard.

    It was this king, but with just a few words, all her escape routes were strangled to death. Now, if she was just convicted of her crime and escaped from here, there would be no future! No need to think, Gong Nalan's eyes already glowed with fire. Since these people want her to die, she wants to live a good life and slap them so hard that they know that the consequences of offending her are absolutely unimaginable!     A grim smile hung on the corner of his mouth, Gong Nalan looked at Mo Thirty with gloomy eyes, and after looking at him for a second, he revealed the brilliance that belongs to the victor, this world belongs to her, and the natives are waiting for her Heaven fire!

    Thinking about it, red flames appeared all over her body, and Xiao Bai, who was encircling her, let go of Gong Nalan in pain, and quickly slapped the burning vines. Xiao Qian was stunned when he saw Xiao Bai on fire. He wanted to step forward to help, but was instantly pushed aside by Mo Shi. The next moment, he rushed forward and stepped on the source of the fire, staring at the source of the fire. On Gong Nalan, who was on fire.

    "Ha, you will regret it! I'm not wrong! I just want to think for the sake of the people of Dawn, but you hid the truth! Take away what belongs to me, and you insulted Shenmu but made me a scapegoat! The sky has sent down a fire that will burn Destroy everything you have!" Gong Nalan shouted loudly, wanting to put Kao along at the last moment.

    The color of Mo Shi's eyes was dark, but he complained a little in his heart. The female protagonist's second-week eyes were still so noisy, she was thinking in her heart, but her movements did not stop, her figure disappeared in the distance like a ghost, and the next moment she appeared behind the female protagonist, slapping the opponent's head with a palm.     The heroine developed agility in the last days, but she was nothing compared to Mo Shibi. Even though she knew that someone was attacking behind her, she couldn't avoid it, so she could only watch the slender palm hit her on the forehead. .     With just a crackling sound, Gong Nalan let out a painful whimper, spread out his wings and flew.     Her head was in great pain, and the pain of tearing her soul made her almost caught by the hunted bird clan several times. In the end, she gave up a leg to escape the pursuit of the bird clan and hid in the forest outside the city. in the small cave.     Holding the head that was about to burst, Gong Nalan's eyes burst out, and scarlet hatred overflowed from his eyes: "Death, ah, it hurts!!     " "People don't need to worry, the gods have already made their will, the witchcraft mastered by the demon girl is not terrible, as long as you have water in your hands, you can prevent her from harming you..."     After comforting the people first, Mo Thirty turned his attention to the minister. On the body: "Set a wanted order for me to arrest Na Lan of the Butterfly Bow! Tell the world about this, so as to set an example!"     "Yes, King!"

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