Chapter 122

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Chapter 122 His Majesty Xiaolong's Amnesiac Child Bride

    The head of the house snapped away Mo Xiao30's idea of ​​running away from home in just two words, making him dumbfounded and unable to refute it. After being silent for a long time, Mo Shicai was speechless and complained. Sure enough, the big boss of the family is here. Looking at the Great Emperor who was breathing out a breath next to him, Mo Thirty bared his teeth, this bastard's tricks are formidable.

    The Great Emperor, who had just used his words in the daytime, was speechless, and when he got home, Mo Shi also felt the feng shui turns, what is the true meaning of 'I know you look at me unhappy, but I won't let you leave'.

    Mo Thirty was very speechless. It was obvious that he and the Great Emperor were hurting each other. It was obviously a duel between the souls of two immature shells. It was not coincidental that his departure coincided with the meaning of the Great Emperor. He remembered that in the book he was not a good idea in the emperor's heart.

    What changed his mind, is it a follow-up to the series? He still remembered that Xiao Miao said that the body of the original owner was the protagonist of another book.

    After discussing this idea with Xiaomiao, Mo Thirty was somewhat confirmed. It seems that the novel is a pit. But his character continued to live, and Qin Kai changed a lot later. But what kind of change was it to make this person ignore Mo Binbin and stick to his side? Could it be that in the novel with the original protagonist as the protagonist, he is a Fuwa?

    After thinking about it for a long time, when he reacted, he found that Qin Kai was meticulously feeding him pastries while holding a small spoon. Not only gave him his share, but also gave him Qin Kai's share.

    The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and Mo Thirty glared at Qin Kai. He admits to hurting each other daily and today he lost.

    Suddenly, Mo Shi was stunned when he saw the genuine smile flashing in Qin Kai's eyes.

    "Xiao Miao, you said that if the characters change, will they not necessarily follow the main line? For example, if I kill the male god now, the main line will be automatically completed?" A small spoon, after Qin Kai feeds it, he scoops a spoon and feeds it back.

    This time, even if he was so disgusted that his soul was about to leave his body, Emperor Qin Kai swallowed it with a stiff face.

    The appearance of the two little buns hurting each other is especially loving in the eyes of everyone. The picture of this brother and brother is extremely warm. However, in Mo Binbin's eyes, this is a naked slap in the face.

    There are a total of three children in the family, and he is left behind without question. When he came back today, his father asked him a little more dignifiedly, as if he was testing something. After he dealt with the owner of the house, when he turned around, he saw that the two children were getting better.     "Dad, this is the dessert I made, please try it. The younger brothers also try the dessert made by my brother..." Seeing that he was about to be ignored, Mo Binbin was naturally unwilling, and his future was not only at home On the Lord, it is because he still has the revenge of murder to avenge. I don't want to offend the head of the family, he can't move this child now.     Naturally, it is necessary to please the owner. In Mo Binbin's eyes, this head of the family was a partial helper. Although he was okay with him, he was not as good as those two children. After defining such a definition in his heart, Mo Binbin will reveal flaws subconsciously. And the owner of the house is not a club, so he can't see the performance of Mo Shi, who has been playing like a life for a long time, and Qin Kai, who has just come to the house, pretending to be. But looking at the boss who has been around for many years is very accurate.     The owner of the house isn't actually a big fan of desserts, but he likes watching the children's satisfaction as they taste their food. This will make him feel like he is his biological father and has a happy family.     Although Mo Shi likes sweets, he is extremely picky. The desserts made by Mo Binbin are completely unattractive to him. As for Emperor Qin Kai, who was about to vomit, he had no time to pay attention to an idiot with bad intentions.     Only the head of the house nodded slightly, and just held a small piece of praise in a careless manner. After swallowing the mouth, the owner's face immediately turned green. He also seemed to be extremely patient with the urge to vomit.     The desserts that I made meticulously are not only unappealing, but compared with the exquisite ones on the table, they are almost lost. Mo Binbin wants to please the owner through his own efforts, but he doesn't know that most strongmen are incapable of accepting sweet things. Those two people ignored them and didn't mention them, and even the owner of the house looked extremely disgusting, which made Mo Binbin's self-esteem bruised.     what is this? ! Embarrass him? !

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