“The question is, what are you doing? Why are you sitting on a porch, looking sufficiently suicidal?”

Naturally, Louis’ answer was quick. “I’m not suicidal!” he began hotly, but the rest of it came out in a grunt. “I’m just — I thought it was appropriate to my mood.”

Harry didn’t have the strength to laugh, but he rolled his eyes and sighed. “So fucking dramatic, I swear to God…”

Louis remained seated on the porch, but he was clearly looking back at Harry with an odd focus. He was quiet for a few moments, but unsurprisingly he had to retaliate anyway. “If anyone’s suicidal, it’s you. What are you even doing, walking in this weather?”

“I think I lost my keys.”

“How unfortunate.”

Harry gave him an insincere smile, but it quickly faded. He needed to get out of this rain. He wasn’t going to waste his time standing there with Louis of all people. Time to go.

“Well, have fun walking in the rain,” said Louis, like he was thinking along the same lines. He was turning away, but suddenly shouted, “Heads up!”

Harry’s head snapped up at the loud call, wincing as something hard hit him in the chest. His hands clutched at the object on their own accord, and he soon began to feel a thick fob of plastic and metal between his cold fingers. A car key.

It took him a few seconds to process the information.

“What the fuck?” He looked down at his hands incredulously for a moment. Then he looked up, staring at Louis. “You stole my keys?”

“Who said I didn’t just find them?”

What. The. Hell.

The boy in front of him was fucking mad.

“Where?” belted Harry, voice shaking. “In the pocket of my jeans?!”

Louis acted like it was nothing. He sighed and started moving away as though he was about to go inside and close the door. “You’re so sensitive,” he said breezily, pushing his brown fringe from his eyes as he moved. “What’s a walk in the park?”

Harry stalked forward across the path up to the porch. His heart was starting to thrum faster. “I’m going to be sick now!” he yelled. “What if I miss football practice?”

Louis had the nerve to roll his eyes. “Oh, calm down, captain. What’s a little cold? A fever isn’t that bad.” He stared right back at Harry’s fuming face, deep blue eyes and all, and suddenly was bold enough to look annoyed. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m not some sadist.”

Was he crazy?

“Fucking sinister is what you are!” Harry was serious. “What is the matter with you? Why — why would you take, no, steal my car keys?” He couldn’t even control his own mouth. “Who does that? Why would you…?” A thought occurred to him, and he shook his head incredulously. What if…? “Is this about the game?” he asked. “Wow! You are so incredibly selfish.”

He had never met somebody so conclusively lost in his own world.

“Hey!” Louis cut in, his face twisting up. “I’m not selfish. I gave you the keys back, didn’t I?”

Harry could only laugh at that. What in the world?

“Yeah, okay, yeah. It’s fine now!” Oh, man. It was time to leave, but he was so angry he couldn’t help but keep yelling. “Louis, you are so bitter! I don’t understand you. You’re so fucked up.”

Louis came at him, jumping off the porch as soon as the last sentence left Harry’s mouth. “I’m not fucked up. You’re fucked up!”

Harry felt the hard punch of Louis’ hands hitting his shoulders forcefully, and forced himself not to stagger too much.

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