Katsuki's heart aches at the care he sees in the eyes he's falling for seemly by the minute.

He pulls Izuku to him suddenly and kisses him, a strong hand with ring clad fingers holding a freckled cheek while he gives a feirce kiss.

When they break for air Izuku's love drunk eyes stare up at him.

" You're seriously going to make me faint one of these days when you do that"

The blonde winks with a chuckle.

" I'll catch you every time. Ill be right back"

Katsuki steps outside scanning the area for a male he now loathes.

He doesn't see anything at first but as he turns to go back inside he hears a voice from the dark sidewalk.

" I saw you practically making out with that guy in the middle of a restaurant. You really have no class Katsuki"

The blonde turns around meeting Sora's annoyed eyes.

Katsuki smirks seeing jealousy.

" It's Bakugo to you I fucking said and that's nothing, but you already know that huh, you took pictures of it in fact and handed them to Mic and the papers trying to start shit like a jealous little bitch"

Sora narrows his eyes quickly moving in front of the blonde.

" What the hell are you with him for anyway?! He's not your type!"

The blonde grins.

" You mean smart, good looking, body for days and fuck I mean days, gorgeous eyes, fun, playful, eats like no one I've ever seen but still stays hot as fuck, loving, attentive, you mean that type? Guy like that's always been my type I just had to get rid of the dead weight dragging me down to see it"

Sora scoffs.

" How long till he dumps you? When he sees that everything else in your life comes before him. How long till he finds someone new? "

There's an ache inside Katsuki's chest at the words, old ghost rising up causing fear but before he can speak someone else does.

" How long before you just shut up? I mean seriously, I have never seen someone who claims their ex was horrible try so hard to cause trouble. If Kacchan was as terrible as you say you wouldn't be here right now. Now two things are pretty clear here, one you never knew what you had when you had it and two you don't know me, because if you did you certainly wouldn't be standing here challenging me or my ability to be faithful to what I call my own. MY OWN Sora, no one else's, understand?"

The intensity burning in Izuku's eyes almost makes Katsuki's knees buckle because God damn this nerd was hot in ways he's not even sure Izuku himself understands.

Katsuki was use to being the one to step in and blow shit up but he had never had someone lay claim the way Izuku just did, and whatever demon was dancing behind those emerald eyes he could tell wasn't to be toyed with.

He likes this, he likes this alot.

Sora laughs lightly eyes burning with vindictive anger.

" I really don't know who you think you are."

Izuku smirks.

"Let me introduce myself then, I'm Izuku Midoriya, the man who will be able to keep and support my relationship, be faithful to it. In other words Sora....I'm the man you couldn't be"

Katsuki can not help it and fuck if he wants to.

A smile takes hold of him so deep it makes his face ache as he breaks into laugh

" God damn!"

The dark haired male isn't sure what to say but Izuku doesn't give him time to say anything before he takes Katsuki's hand and turns to go in.

" Have a good night Sora, thanks for stopping in, ' old friend' "

It's the greenett's final cut to the bone remark before he pushes the door to Jade closed with a blonde musician right by his side.

Katsuki doesn't wait another second before he backs Izuku to the wall just inside the small entrance way to the restaurant that's hidden from view.

His large ring clad hand goes to the wall right beside the greenett's head, the other one on Izuku's hip as he leans down and catches perfect lips between his own.

The kiss is hungry, but not so much the sexual kind, more love starved, the I've been so broken until you kind.

Izuku wraps his arms around the blondes shoulders, fingers gripping his leather jacket as he kisses him back with the same intensity.

It's long, deep threatening to take both of them out from lack of oxygen soon.

Katsuki finally pulls back, forhead on the greenetts as both play catch up with their breathes.

The blonde runs his thumb over a swollen abused lip from the feirce kiss that couldn't wait another second.

"Fuck you make me feel things. That was maybe the hottest thing I've ever seen but more than that....thank you Deku"

Izuku smiles still breathless and light headed.

" For what Kacchan?"

Katsuki pulls away enough to drown in emerald eyes.

" For defending me, us. I didn't even know I needed it till I heard you drop that fuck to the ground with just words"

Izuku laughs softly running his fingers through the back of Katsuki's hair as they stand there hidden, feeling like the world vanished for a few moments.

" I really don't like to be that way, I really don't, but I will without hesitation defend what I care about, what's mine to keep"

Crimson eyes lock onto gorgeous emerald.

" And are you mine to keep?"

Izuku grins.

" From the first time those scarlet eyes landed on me rock star, you had me even then and I knew I was a goner"


Late night update and a wolf who's going to bed.

Ahh yeah, so many burns so little time. You're gonna need some ice for that Sora.

Izuku fucking Midoriya, take a bow sweetheart you won this round 👏

I love this story.

Love a scary sass for days Izuku.

Hang on to him Kat, you met your match.

Our tale continues, stay tuned


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