"No way!" she faked a soft gasp, aware of the baby in her arms. Of course, River knew of this. She'd known for a good month. The gossip died down a while ago, and it may or may not have been River who passed it along to people.

Then again, could she be blamed for other people eavesdropping on her conversation? Hamilton had no idea so many ears were perked and ready to retain information at Alden's home race, which was the day River told Kaia about the news. No doubt Dorian learnt it from his wife.

Dorian looked at his sister the same way he measured up Genevieve, sighed, and said, "You knew this already."


"Don't lie."

River exhaled, and her grin grew gradually. "I did know. But you get excited when you learn something new so I thought I'd let you have it."

Whatever he mumbled under his breath made no sense to River. Perhaps she shouldn't have babied her eldest brother but who was going to stop her? Their relationship had always been set in stone with Dorian the protector, and River the sister who needed their hand held when walking up the stairs just in case she lands face first.

"Sometimes," Dorian sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing."

"What do you mean?"

"General doubts about life, I suppose," he said.

"Such as?"

"I did everything by the book," he stated, and River nodded because she agreed. Dorian was the perfect son—the perfect Hamilton. Education: complete to the highest of degrees. Romantic life: married off to one of the most perfect people to walk this planet. "I talked to Kaia last night, and I kept asking if I should've done what you did," he admitted as he ran his finger around the rim of his glass. The bubbles floated to the surface of the champagne and attracted River's attention for a moment.

"You've lost me," River chuckled, and noticed the way her brother's lips curled, suddenly shy as he averted his gaze and shook his head. To make him feel at ease, and give him some privacy, River looked away, and adjusted the soft material of Violet's coat.

In the end, as silence swayed its way between the words left unsaid, the conversation flickered out. There was a level of comfort in the fact that Dorian could start a conversation and end it when he felt he reached a personal barrier. River could provide that for him, and she knew it because not only did he tell her, River's friends also echoed how much they appreciated her understanding and ability to create an environment where they felt comfortable enough to be open—or in other cases, choose to not be so open.

"When are you giving me a niece?" River asked randomly. If Dorian was drinking—which, from the sounds of it, he was—he choked on the beverage.


River shrugged. "You know... or a nephew. I'm not picky."

The eldest Hamilton laughed, and he managed to be so loud that Violet's eyes flew wide open. It took all but a second for her to start weeping after.

"Nevermind—you cannot have children," River scolded her brother without looking at him. She stood up with the baby in her arms and tried to calm her down by moving around. Harvey nor Eloise seemed to be around which surprised River. If she had a month-old baby, she'd be unable to leave her alone.

River rocked Violet until she quieted down, her cheeks reddened and wet from tears.

"Like I said—natural," Dorian appeared at her shoulder, his hand pressed to her arm in a supportive gesture. "I'm going to find my wife before I get baby fever," he laughed and gently placed his hand on the back of River's head, pulled her closer, and kissed her forehead. The gesture reminded her of their father, then again, Dorian had always been a much more affectionate father figure in her life than Dexter.

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