the confession + bonus

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"s-s-so, santa..." ham looked up at santa, who was staring at his newly installed window.

santa slowly turned his head to face him, staring down at the little man. 

"yeaah..." santa stroked hammy's hair. he knew that hammy loved having his hair stroked. 

"i-i-i-i-i... i thi-think i-i-i a-am...." hammy started to sob drmamtically. santa could feel his pain. he hated to see his old friend in such pina.

santa slowly lifted hammy's chin as he stroked his hair even more aggressivley.  

"it is ok, ham. you know you can tell me anything, you know that right? I l-l-lo- care for you so much as a friend. a very very good friend. you mean so much to me and i would do anything for you. you remember that one time i carried you home because you fell to the ground and then broke your ego?? yeah, because i do. alos i remember because you told me to carry you to a starngers car and i was like 'no, i will not' and then we went to the strangers car and then the stranger was actually your mum?! that was so fun. i also cant believe you wanted to drive that car! like, you broke your ego!! that was such a dumb idea. you are dumb. wait no your are not. you are not dumb, hamster. ham. hammy-pie. your such a good friend. also do you remember that time when-" santa looked at hammy, who was gone.

"oh me oh my where in the world!!" santa slowly stood up and then started to look for ham. he looked under the blue couch, around the crust of the world and even in his top-secret cabinet of snacks he would restock ever second hour.

"YOU CANNOT!!!!!!" santa turned his head to lok at the front door, which was gone. instead micheal jack was standing there, looking derictly  into santas blue, jolly, orby obs.

"what!" snata took out his last remainging snack, a huge giant big gummy worm, and smacked micheal in the head with it. "STAY BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" santa danced. 

"GRANDMA!!!!!!!" micheal got up. he looked as strong as ever. he started smacking santa hwahahagayhahaiiiiii98 with his arms.

"????????" santa ran out the door, terridifed.

"oh, where is my dear friend hammiltoes!!" santa searched the backyard, and then the world, in the cold cold cold cold weather. 

santa was worried. scared. he was not feeling good. he ran and ran and ran and ran and eventually, he got to the front gate of his  house and housed. santa loved the front gate. it rremined him of his gay freind, hsmmy. he thoguht of hammy. he was missing. he forgot about him and ran away from the roaring micheal behined him.

"YOULL NEVER ESCAPE ME!!!!!" michel jack was stomping all arounf the place, eventually catching up to santa and eating him up. snata was scared. he wasnt eaten up. he actually was just running away, evyr veyr veyr slowly.

santa couldn't wait to meet hammy for the second time again.

his friend.

his old freind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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