"You were? I don't seem to recall you ever asking any of that." Uttering out, he started thinking about something that you said. What was his name again? You couldn't remember what to call him so calling him the first thing you see him as. "Hey golden retriever. Where are we at? And why do you keep nothing to me for no reason." That sentence made Steve bewildered at what you called him.

"Golden retriever?" He questioned, at the sudden name you called him by basically pointing it out like it was the most obvious thing. "Yeah. You look like a golden retriever dog that would look so happy but ready to attack if something were to provoke its owner." He was surprised with the words you were using that nobody would ever use in a sentence nevertheless a five year old child. "My names Steve, Steve Rodgers. Do you have short term memory loss?"

"That's the name a golden retriever would have. You just proved I was correct by your name also." You pointed out, staring at him, your mouth in a thin line looking at him unimpressed. He let out a chuckle at that while shaking his head, a smile on his face. "Alright, you can call me that." Sweat dropping at that as he agreed to letting you call him by that name.

Taking a breath as he asked the same question from before about where your parents were at hoping you'd answer. Being patient for you to reply to his first ever question, wondering who'd leave their child outside all alone with nothing but themselves. "You mean my parents? Uhh.. I don't even know who my parents are." Steve's eyes widen at your answer, taken back by that.

"..you don't know who they are, like at all?" He questioned, wondering how or why you don't remember who your parents are. Of course you have parents, how else were you born? Scratch that, how else are you alive and here? "I don't know. Kaburamaru do you remember who my parents are?" Shifting your eyes to your snake friend who was wrapped around your neck which Steve just now noticed. 'How odd..' That was the only thing going through his head as he shifted between the both of you.

All you got from your quiet snake friend that has been watching the conversation happen back and forth was a hiss and nod back. Nudging his head over towards Steve trying to tell you to ask the older male to go and find out who your parents were. Which you easily misunderstood thinking that Kaburamaru was saying that Steve was your parent, specifically your father per say.

"Ohhh.. so the golden retriever is my parent?" You concluded, nodding your head then looking at Steve who was confused and shaking his head. Kaburamaru was also shocked at what you said, shaking his head fast as well. "What? No! I'm not a parent." He tried correcting you but you wouldn't budge, if Kaburamaru said it then it's true. You didn't know why the golden retriever would just lie about that.

"I would like to maybe but I'm not a parent or your parent [Name]." Steve affirmed, stating it like it was a fact of some sorts - in which you whole heartily disagree with - that was true. He was trying to think of words to tell a five year old child without making you cry. "You are. Kaburamrau even said so. So why do you deny anything about it at all?" One thing was sure to Steve and it was that you knew a lot of words that even kids your age wouldn't even know about.

"No, I'm not a parent at all. But we could find yours somewhere around-" his words were cut off by you. "You can be." Staring at him with an empty look but there looked to be stars shining in them if you focused on it close enough. Stunned at what you said about him being a parent. Thinking to himself about the idea of being a parent, going back and forth of the pros and cons that go along the path of parenting life his would be like. Mostly as a single - father - parent.

'It doesn't sound like half a bad idea. Plus [Name's] parents may have left them.. did they seriously leave them because they have short term memory loss? What kind of parents are they, especially when leaving their own blood relatives out in the woods all alone.' Snapped out of thought when feeling a tug on the bottom of his shirt, squatting down on the ground to hear what you were gonna say so you wouldn't hurt your neck when looking up at him.

"Golden retriever, where am I? And why am I here? Kaburamaru says to talk to you, even though I don't know you." Tilting your head to the side, dotted eyes as you looked at Steve. A small noticeable frown on your face that seemed to never change or turn into a smile. 'I'm gonna have to get them a book to write names and places down to remember. More importantly where she's at.'

Steve thought, stare at you offering you a small gentle smile. 'Maybe this is a good thing that [Name] doesn't remember my real name. After all everything does happen for a reason in life. Without that reason, nothing would ever change for everybody's lives.' Thinking to himself, getting an idea wanting to tell you his name but deciding against it. Maybe... just maybe he could be a parent like you said he could.

"[Name], don't you remember? You wanted to come outside to see the clouds. And my name is dad, not Golden retriever." Steve chuckled, picking you up in his arms. Kaburamaru decided to stay on guard ready to attack but Steve didn't look like he was gonna do anything to harm you so far, advising to not attack until something happens that would put you in harm's way.

You let the golden retriever-looking male person pick you up without a fight since Kaburamaru didn't look like he was putting up a fight and the man did say he knew you. He did tell you his name was dad or papa. Yeah, you're gonna go with papa that sounds way better than whatever dad was. "Alright papa.." muttering that as you look up at the giant clouds in the sky that looked very pretty and fluffy.


Taisho Secret:

•Steve thought that your parents were abusive you because your wearing bandages over your mouth.

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