When Niel didn't move immediately Atlas took the crutches and gave them to Levi. "What are you doing?" Niel questioned but remained unanswered. Atlas picked him up and put Niel in the car. The teenage boy was perplexed. Intimidated by the werewolf's actions he stayed silent.

Upon arrival at the big mansion, Levi took Niel's stuff and Atlas wanted once again to carry his mate. Even though Atlas didn't thoroughly enjoy the disobedience from the youngster and had to act more dominant with him, Atlas felt great joy to have his mate in his arms. And even felt great pleasure Niel submitted to him when he acted more dominant with him.

Niel didn't let him, this time. He moved his body away from Atlas in the hopes the big guy would take a hint. "Niel, how do you want to get inside without your crutches?

"I will find a way."

"No you won't," And without a second thought, Atlas leaned forward and took his mate in his arms. Niel tried to escape but failed every time. "I suggest you keep still."

Niel looked at Atlas for a second and then kept on going, trying to wriggle out of his supposedly mate's arms.

Atlas had enough. In one swift movement, he threw Niel over his shoulder and kept on walking, entering the mansion. Niel was too surprised to react. A wave of silent anger rose inside the teenager's body. The way he was manhandled he could not even phantom right now. The only thing he was glad about was there was no one to witness how much his ego was being crushed right now.

When they entered 'his' room Atlas carefully put his mate on the bed. The werewolf could see he had struck a nerve, but the beast inside of him needed Niel to listen to him. Atlas' wolf wasn't one who took orders from others and needed submission, especially from his mate.

The human side of Atlas, however, could also understand how extremely overwhelming everything was to Othniel. He wanted nothing more but the rock in his mate's life to hang on to. "I apologize if I came off too strong."

Niel stayed silent.


"Just go away."

"Niel I didn't mean to upset you, I-"

"Go away!" Atlas could see the glisten over Niel's eyes. The joy to be finally close to his mate made him forget that Niel might have one of the worst nights of his life. And it was the worst night in Niel's life. Him being kicked out was the ultimate answer to his question if he had disappointed his parents. He felt like he failed his father, mother, big brother, and mostly his younger sister. She would be now all alone with their parents, having to be the perfect example to show the residents of Wheaperlyn lake my parents didn't fuck up with their parenting.

When Niel was alone he curled up on the bed and silently cried as he finally let all his emotions in and tried to process everything that happened to him over the past two weeks. His life had literally hit rock bottom.

The next morning when Atlas came to check up on Niel he didn't answer his questions. Atlas had asked how he was feeling, if he felt like going to school or if he was hungry. The questions remained unanswered, however. Niel ignored him completely.

It happened again in the evening.

And again the following day.

And the day after that.

When the third day had arrived Atlas had enough. He felt like he gave Niel enough space and now it was time for the youngster would take care of himself again and try to move on with his life.

"All right this gone on long enough." Atlas opened the curtains, which made Niel turn around, away from the light. Atlas then went to the bathroom and Niel could hear shortly after that the sound of running water. Soon Niel felt the arms of his mate encircling his body, picking him up.

The teenage boy had no energy left in him to fight and let Atlas do whatever he wanted. He could feel how they moved around and soon they entered the bathroom where he was put on the toilet seat.

"I am running a baht for you, do you need my help or can I leave you alone?" Atlas asked softly. His voice was soothing and just above a whisper. Niel didn't respond again, however. The big guy took that as a sign and carefully undressed him, leaving his briefs on.

When undressed Niel was carefully put in the warm water. Atlas took great care of his mate, washing his hair and body, and talking softly to Niel in the hopes he would respond.

Niel, on the other hand, was gone. He had locked himself up mentally in a place where he couldn't feel anything, so he didn't have to face reality. Niel didn't want to believe that the life he once had was gone. He wished so badly everything could return to normal. A life where he was still captain of the soccer team, he had good grades, was liked by his peers, his parents were proud of him, maybe even had a girlfriend, didn't know about the werewolf world, and most importantly a life where his big brother had transgendered to a woman and was still alive.

It was when Niel felt a tingling feeling on his forehead, like tiny electric shocks he came back to the land of the living. It was a pair of lips that kissed his forehead. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Ah, you're back. I began to get worried." Niel could see the worry in Atlas' dark brown eyes. From a far point of view, people might say they were black. But with the right lighting, you could see they weren't black and had some light to them.

When Niel noticed he had made eye contact he immediately looked down. It was then he saw the predicament he was in as he looked down at his now wet briefs. "Are you some kind of pervert?" Niel asked shocked and angry.

Atlas stood immediately up. "What?! No! You weren't responsive to anything the past three days, I just hoped a bath would help out. And don't you think you would be naked if I were a pervert, which I am not." He stressed again.

He had a point, Niel thought.

"Will you give me some privacy now?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Clothes are on the counter, meet me downstairs. I will have something to eat for you ready." And with that Atlas left the bathroom.

Once he was alone Niel felt even more lost than he already was. 

As His World Changed (MxM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن