A Giant with a Big Heart

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...but on the other end, it's not everyday that Basil goes out of his own volition.

Seeing the basketball team putting their one-hundred and ten percent effort into the game, it reminds of one of his reckless and adventerous pals - Kelsey Desota. It's true that most people may have never truly remembered his real birthname as the tanned teenager would associate his nickname 'Kel' for reason he could not decipher, but just the thought of him makes Basil more pumped and confident than ever before as if a surge of energy rushes into his veins.

That being said, it's not that his presence is simply a memory. I would oftentimes see his friends lounging about in the basketball courtyard discussing whatever topic they have in mind. For some reason, some have a really good eye on people who watch them from afar... and though Basil is guilty of such a notion, they would invite him to join them. Even if the activities were mostly physical, Basil tries his hardest to catch up with them.

That's probably why he feels stronger every single day without realizing.

In the corner of his eye, the blonde gardener spots a huge person in the distance. Despite the fact that the recreational park is hopelessly packed with people - moreso than ever - the male individual in question does not want to participate in the slightest and would much rather stay idle by themselves. Basil couldn't help but feel bad as he, of all people, knows how it feels to be left out and shoved to the side.

After coming closer to the person, Basil recalls that the strangely tall male in front of him (like, *much* taller than the above average teenage boys) is none other than Charlie - one of the members of the infamous 'Hooligans'. He hasn't noticed the flower boy's presence as of yet, but the smaller one feels extremely intimidated by the sheer one-sided heighg comparison... and the fact that the taller guy is at least twenty to thirty times more built than Basil himself.

Soon, Charlie finally takes notice of the cowering Basil in front of his sight. The large man doesn't advance, but doesn't back off... he's just standing at place. Not understanding the point of the sudden confrontation, Charlie finds a vacant bench just in the hopes that the blonde gardener will take the hint and leave him be with his thoughts.

Feeling bad for him, Basil sits beside the other male. Social anxiety is at an all time high for him as suddenly being physically closer to anybody is something he seldomly does without interference from either family or friends or both. Nevertheless, Basil coughs and lets himself calm his nerves and his heartbeat to a more bearable rate before he can attempt to strike up even small tak.

" H-Hi, Charlie, " the flower boy waves at him, " it's been a while, hasn't it? "

" ... "

" What do you want exactly? I'd much rather not talk to anyone for a while, much less to people who are pitying me. "

" N-No, no, " Basil flails his arms around in defense, " it's not like that at all, I swear! It's just that... well, I saw you without your friends and I just thought that... you could use some company. "

The silence between the two is ironically loud to the smaller child. Just knowing that the conversation could end in less than five sentences is just demoralizing to him... but something inside of him wants to not give up on him.

" Well, I m-mean what I said, Charlie, " Basil nods and sees the slight expression change, " that I want you to not feel lonely. Besides, everyone deserves to be comforted during hard times. "

" ... "

" I'm having a... uh... what do you call it? A... ummm...? Oh, right? I have some internal conflict inside of me right now, so I don't think I need to bother anyone else with it. "

" Well, " the blonde gardener cracks a smile that does not exude a lot of confidence but tries anyway, " I'd like to at least hear what is troubling you. If it's causing you this much distress, it's not recommended to bottle these feelings up. "

" ... "

" U-Uh, " Basil scratches his head, thinkinh that he's going out of line, " to the people you trust, of course! Yeah... I mean, you and I haven't talked that much and to be honest... I have my inner demons that I'm trying to fend off. "

It takes a full second for Basil to notice that his body is trembling out of fear in the mention of his suffering... but it quickly subsides. Charlie doesn't try to do anything and decides to actively listen. Although he personally agrees that both him and Basil have not formed a strong connection with one another just yet, he cannot ignore the unmistakable fact that the two of them have more similarities than previously thought.

" And... I might not have come clean about it to myself if it weren't for my friends. For better or for worse, it helps me lighten the burden off my shoulder... even if it's just by a little bit. "

" Hm... "

" I suppose it may not be as severe... but I'm conflicted whether I should keep being with the Hooligans or leave them. "

" Huh, "  Basil perks up, initially feeling bewildered, " why is that, Charlie? I mean, aren't they your friends? Did they do anything bad to you... or made you do something you didn't want to do? "

" It's not that, " the larger male speaks defensively but eases his anger in the next second, " it's just that... we've been causing so much trouble that even Faraway High has taken notice to that... "

" A-And that's not to say that I don't enjoy our times together! I love being part of a gang that I belong in... It's just that I may be ruining my future just because I was acting out of line... "

" But at the same time, I don't want to lose the only people who'd bother calling my name - let alone accepting me for who I am. Simply put, it's either the present or the future that I would choose over the other. "

" ... "

Unfortunately, Basil cannot emphasize with the freakishly taller male as he never had friends from primary grade up to some years in middle school, let alone acquaintances. However, the reason why it's an unknown problem for him is because his first batch of friends are ones who accepts him for being himself and that they would be together as long as they could without sabotaging each other... an almost-perfect bond.


" I sympathize with your issue, Charlie, " he stands up, looking at the bright sun shining down on the two males, " but one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that this decision should be in your best interests... especially with your future. "

" Wait! What- "

" W-What I'm saying is that you shouldn't be around people who indirectly make you have to fit into them just for them to acknowledge you. T-This is not to say that the people in your current friend group are bad... "

" But... if they won't think about how you feel... or at the very least make you feel as if you have no say in anything, then I don't think it's a sign that you should reconsider whether you want to continue associating with them or not. "

Charlie couldn't believe the unfiltered advice from someone who would most likely sugarcoat hard truths. Though it'd a blatant lie that hearing such bold words sting, it gives him a sense of revelation that he never thought about until now. No matter how he looks at it, the larger male knows that Basil is right on the money.

" And... if you're afraid of facing them alone, " Basil extends his hand to the other - who is still sitting, " I can be by your side. Besides, it would personally be much better if you have someone standing with you. "

" ... "

" ... "

" Sure, I'd like that, Basil. "


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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