He was so drunk, the first time in his so damn controlled life, that he didn't fully remember what had happened after he passed out.
There were some fragments of flashbacks from his memory, of which he saw Seri -his secretary, helped him got into his car and drove him home.
The chronology was like scattered blurred vision in his brain.
Somehow he did recalled that he was having sex, but it was you who was with him. Even the images weren't vivid, but he remembered how he kept calling your name while pushing himself inside you, taking you to the peak until you screamed his name and words of love to him.

The memory was only clear the morning after he made sense the time and his surrounding. When he woke up with heavy pounding headache and the worst hangover he had ever had.
And Seri's bare breasts adhered to his chest.
He would be a total idiot and a great pretender if he tried to look past the stain and disheveled state of his bed, also dark love bites scattered on Seri's chest and neck.

He had been taught to take careful steps when it came to relationship. He would be a convenient target for women who would want to trap him into marriage. He was no fool.
Well, at least he thought he was smarter than the man he was that night.

He had no clear recollection of the sex, but he wasn't that oblivious nor cunning enough to deny the truth.

And he did what he thought was for the best.
He just swept the dust under the rug.

When it happened, he wasn't in a relationship with you, was he? The two of you broke up.
So technically, he didn't cheat. It was just a one night stand. A slip up. Happened sometimes. He was only human.

And he thought everything was settled, like a growing cancerous lump that he managed to sever neat and clean. No further complication, no visible scar.
Only to find that it had spread and deeply rooted in the flesh, beyond any treatment.

He shouldn't be surprised when Seri showed him the pregnancy test, the possibility was there. There was a glimmer of hope of course, that it might be wrong, that she just wanted to trap him to marry her. But the paternity test gave him the bad news he dreaded the most.

So the first thing that he did after the news?
He went to you, trying to make things right. To fix his relationship as well as his dream marriage.

A part of him expected you to refuse, to plainly reject him, to slap him and hit him, scream at him. Whatever it would be, he would take it.
He more than deserved it.

But instead, you did the thing that had him realized, the reason why he fell in love with you from the start.
You agreed to wait for him, to give him time to rearrange the matter at hand. A baby shouldn't be considered a problem, you said.

He was a selfish man.
He couldn't bring himself to accept the idea of losing you. In the name of love.
He loved you too much.

And it was unfortunate for you that you were a selfless woman.
You tried to understand his parents' decision to marry him off to Seri.
Reputation was everything to his parents, something that they held like the air they breathed.
Couldn't risk to have family name tainted with a scandal of a bastard child.
You agreed to have him catered to what would be needed as the father of the baby, to give Seri time to recuperate with her pregnancy.

You accepted the living arrangement of him to stay in the same house with Seri, at least until the baby was born. Until he was old enough and easy to handle, for Seri to adjust with her role as a new mother.
The baby wasn't a part of the plan, but they never chose to be born. It was something he regarded as his responsibility as the father who brought the baby into this world.

Since he agreed to marry Seri under the pressure from his father, he set a line for all of them, that the arrangement would last only until Hajun reached one year old, then he would divorce her, and marry you instead.

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