Chapter Seven

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     Ever since that night he and Gareth watched the movie together Andy had been acting really weird around him and after being harassed by Jason about this 'mystery girl' he apparently had a crush on, Andy was almost certain he had a crush on Gareth… Yeah Gareth.

      Andy had only been in two relationships before: the first one was in 8th grade, it was a girl he really liked her name was Anne, but after a month of dating she started being a total b*tch to him and Andy eventually broke up with her.

     The second girl was in 10th grade her name was Lillian she was super sweet, they were friends before but then decided to date. It turns out they didn't 'like like' each other from the beginning; it was all plutonic, but they are still great friends.


      Andy walked into the gym the next morning to find Jason. He was on the bench drinking out of his water bottle, when Andy came over, "Hey dude, your early" He said, putting the bottle down.

     "Yeah, um I was wondering if I could ask you something?" Andy questioned sitting down next to the Basketball Captain.

     "Fire away," Jason replied leaning back onto the bleachers.

      "How did you know you liked Crissy?" He asked, looking away from him and instead down at his feet.

     Jason grinned, "is this about Mystery Girl?"

     Andy's face reddened, "JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!"

    "Ok, ok." He laughed, "well…remember the first day of 8th grade when the teacher introduced us to the new student, Crissy. From the first time I saw her I just knew I wanted her, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and if I didn't know better I would have thought she was an angel. The teacher sat her right next to me… I was too scared to talk to her though, but she wasn't. We talked almost all class, she was nice and funny and all around perfect. I think that's the day I fell in love with Crissy Cunningham."

     "Wow, I've never heard that story before," he smiled, "you and Crissy really are a perfect match,"

     "Yeah, I love her more than anything,"


      After that talk with Jason, Andy was positive he liked Gareth. But he wasn't gay, he still liked girls, had had dated girls.  'This is so confusing' he thought.


     Gareth decided not to go to school that day. He didn't even tell his mom, she went to work and he was home alone.

     He got up out of bed, threw on an old gray hoodie and left his room. He got to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see little to nothing left. The drummer sighed and slammed the door shut.

     Gareth let his mind wander until he remembered his conversation with Eddie the other day "f*ck" He whispered, Eddie was gonna tell everyone and then he would be known as a bigger freak then Eddie. Why did he have to say all that?

     The boy trudged back upstairs to his room, once up there he grabbed a movie from his shelf and played it, Star Wars IV his second favorite, after Jaws of course.


That took awhile sorry 😞
534 words i think
I also just watched The "Black Phone" it was so good!
Have a nice day I promise to update more<3
(And for more Gareth/Andy stuff soon)

Nothing More | Andreth | Andy X GarethDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora