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AS THE ELECTRICITY HIT HIM, the pain was unbearable

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AS THE ELECTRICITY HIT HIM, the pain was unbearable. Throughout his life, he'd witnessed hundreds of people die this way, watched their eyes widen when the feeling hit them, heard the screams of terror and torture, seen the release in their body when they died. He understood that feeling now. It was so painful that he couldn't think of anything better than dying.

He felt six long, painful shakes that hit him straight through the heart, that shook him to the core and told him it was nearly the end. That today would be his last. Six shakes, six breaths, six thoughts. Six moments left to live.

The first shake was for Steve and Robin, the first two people who ever taught him how to joke. They were a lot older than him, but they always made him feel included. They never made fun of him, nor did they question any of his faults. All their humour and all their bickering always made Cole feel safe, their actions always made him feel more real. More human. They were normal. Being around them made him feel normal, and that was a feeling he'd been craving his entire life. They looked after him. They would've died for him.

The second was for Erica, his very first friend his own age. She was loud, so much louder than he ever could be, and that helped him be confident. She spoke for the both of them, and she was never afraid to speak out and say exactly what was on her mind. And, despite her comments, she never once made Cole feel out-casted for being mute. In fact, she praised him for it. She helped him a lot more than any person ever could, and that was just for the fact she accepted him. Cole wished he met Erica a little earlier in life. He knew he wouldn't have been the scared, anxious boy he was if he met her from the beginning.

The third was for Dustin, his brother. Dustin was the best. Dustin was the person he looked up to more than anybody in the world. Dustin showed him all the best stores at the mall, lectured him on the right way to eat chocolate so that he caught all the flavours and taught him exactly what to do in any situation. Dustin was the first person, outside of his family, Cole grew comfortable with. Cole wouldn't be Cole if he never met Dustin Henderson. That boy really was his brother.

The fourth was for Eleven, the sister who understood. They were inseparable from the moment they met again after the lab, and he and El started in the same place - silent and scared. And, although she grew up and learnt, she never insulted Cole for not doing the same. She understood just how he was feeling at all times, and never forced him into anything he was uncomfortable with. She protected him. Always. Just like a big sister should.

The fifth was for Hopper, the only dad he ever knew. When Cole met Hopper, he was scared, terrified of anything that breathed. He'd never had an adult in his life that didn't hurt him, both mentally and physically. Hopper met Cole at a time in his life when he never trusted anyone, when he was so anxious that he spent almost every night in tears and coughing up his vomit after a panic attack. But Hopper didn't care about any of that. Hopper was patient, and he did things at Coleʼs pace. Until Cole found himself loving this man. Until Cole found himself with a dad who loved him back. A real dad. It took a while and a lot of trying, but Cole eventually realised that, so long as his dad was with him, nobody would hurt him. Cole finally understood that a parent wasn't there to hurt you, that not every mistake deserved a punishment. Cole loved his dad.

𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐑 - nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now