Chapter 8. Arriving at the Hospital for Werebeasts

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"Uhm . . . maybe on the roof—"

"Put him in the car, Mr. Boo," interrupted Fritz.

The woman looked at him in surprise. 

"Inside? Mr. Gullivan, won't that be dangerous?" She asked worriedly.

"What? No!" Fritz snorted. "I have no intention of treating my very important guest by locking him up in that cage!" He walked to the cage and pointed at the lock. "Take this off please, and let him out. I believe he knows how to get in the car."

"But Mr. Gullivan—" the women protested.

Before Boo can even make a protest, Elvin was there standing beside him. 

"Move," he said in a cold voice. 

Fearing the sharpness in the silver-haired man's voice, Boo stepped back. Elvin retracted his claws and in one swift move, he cut the lock clean with a scratch. The cage got loose. The door opened, swinging loosely on its side.

Elvin looked at Dycland sharply. "Get out. And don't make any attempt to run away. Just get in the car or I'll kill you," he said, whispering the last part.

Dycland sniggered. If not for his body still weak he may have called his bluff and slammed his body at his and run. But now that he's not in his best condition, it is better to follow them. 

Then plan his escape after.

Dycland crawled out of the cage on his cuffed hands and knees. He's careful not to touch the bars or he'll get burned. Once outside, he stretched his back. Cracking bones, letting go of muscle stress. 

"Get in," said Elvin, giving him the look. 

Dycland rolled his eyes on him. Is he that worried that he'll ditch? Like he could. He's as weak as him as of the moment, so he won't waste his energy anymore for a futile escape. And it's not like Elvin has the strength to fight with him even now that he's not at his best. He's stronger than Elvin, frankly. 

After clicking his neck left and right, Dycland got in the car. He slumped on the backseat and tried to find a comfortable position with his cuffed hands and big physique, but the car was too small. He can't even stretch his legs out in front. His knees touch the back of the driver's seat as he sits next to the window. Moving in the middle, he finally feels a little comfort when his knees do not bump on anything anymore. He wiggled his butt on his seat, trying to make it warm. This car does not know comfort. At all.

He looked outside the car's window, but even that part of the car was not pleasing at all. Aside from bleary, it was like looking at moving abstract pictures of human and beasts silhouettes. He looked away from the window, irritated. 

Why did they not just dump this piece of crap somewhere? Dycland thought.

"We're going now."

"Thank you for your purchase, Mr. Gullivan."

The car doors on both sides open and  Elvin takes the driver's seat while on the other side, in the passenger seat is Fritz. 

"Let's go," said Fritz, and then they were on the move.

RIDING a little car was not ideal. Especially if the road is bumpy and your seat does not have any safety belt. For an hour, as Dycland estimated, Dycland was thrown at the backseat left and right. They left the smooth wide road of Camellia District and entered the dense forest on the other side of the Rocky Mountains. 

Dycland bumped his whole body all over the backseat as Elvin maneuvered the poor coughing car on the forest trail like a pro. The car made a swerve to the left, slightly missing a shallow but big hole, throwing Dycland off his balance and slamming his shoulder on the window's car. The collision was enough to crack the poor blurred windshield a little.

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