Where It All Began

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A/n: ive always wanted to try writing fanfics, so heres me shooting my shot i guess. If this turns out well then i'll try to continue this <3

December 31, 1926

It was a dark and cold night the day Mereope Gaunt and Aurora Blackmoore found themselves on the steps of Wool's Orphanage. The two girls were the best of friends and considered each other to be sisters even. They were both heartbroken and about to give birth.

Aurora moaned in pain as she knocked on the wooden door with all her might. "Please open up" she begged. A few moments later, a young woman opened the door and gasped at the sight of the women.

"Mrs. Cole! Mrs. Cole! Oh my please do come in!" she began frantically yelling as she and another young woman began helping the two friends inside to a separate room.

A few hours later, Aurora and Merope gave birth to two healthy and undoubtedly beautiful children. A boy and girl.

Although nothing was physically wrong with the children, the nurses and Mrs. Cole found it odd and creepy that the children did not cry. Not a single tear shed from their eyes. The mothers couldn't care less and were only glad that they had a bit of time left with their children before they would soon pass on into the afterlife.

Aurora cooed at her baby girl with a peaceful smile on her face. She gazed upon her daughter with so much love and joy.

"My little angel, I shall name you Aurelia, after my mother and Bree after my sister. And finally, you are a Blackmoore. I pray that you may have a long and joyful life ahead of you my darling. Although you may not remember me, I shall always love and watch other you from above"
Aurelia gazed upon her mother with a sad look in her eyes, as if she knew her mother would soon leave her. Aurora began to rock her child to sleep for the first and last time.

Merope merely had time to name her child before passing. A few minutes after her unfortunate death, her best friend joined her in the afterlife. The nurses mourned the two women. They pitied them for their suffering. The only thing they could do now was to take the children in the orphanage. And that's what they did.

Due to the shortage of beds at the moment, the newborns were forced to share a crib. Tom Marvolo Riddle glanced at Aurelia Bree Blackmoore. The nurses hoped he wouldn't make a fuss since Aurelia was fast asleep.

To their relief, Tom didn't make a single sound. It was as if he didn't want to wake up his companion. He simply looked at her as she slept. If one might look closely, you would see the tiniest bit of protectiveness in his gaze. The two even began cooing in delight at each other after the girl had woken up.

*7 years later*

7 years later, it was the 5th of August and the children were outside enjoying the sunshine. Aurelia and Tom were now 6 years old (turning 7) and absolutely inseparable. Wherever Aurelia went, Tom would follow. Wherever Tom went, Aurelia would be right by his side.

While the other children played and laughed, Tom and Aurelia were comfortably sitting under the peaceful shade of their favorite oak tree. The young boy was currently reading to his companion.

"And they all had tragically died, it was expected after all. The end" he finished as he shut the book. His friend smiled as she thought of the ending. The children had managed to find an old murder mystery novel the other day and simply loved reading it.

"Thank you for reading to me again, Tom" she grinned to her best friend. He simply hummed in response. Although the children were both intelligent, Tom could read better than Aurelia. Thus, he usually led their frequent reading sessions.

As he put the book down, he noticed Aurelia stand up and began picking flowers not too far from him. As her back was turned, he smiled at her.

She was his partner in crime, his best friend. The girl who would help him sneak cookies in their room. The friend who acted as the distraction as he robbed the other kids of their possessions. She was literally his partner in crime. He didn't know what he would do if he didn't have her. And he didn't just mean the cookies or thefts. He genuinely felt at peace with her. Naturally, he would never ever admit that to anyone, not even her.

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