Ben's Past (12)

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Thump.............thump. Thump.........thump. Thump.......thump. Thump...thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. THUMP THUMP. THUMP THUMP. THUMP THUMP. My heart was working so hard to revive my body. It felt like it was going to tear out of my chest from so much strain. It seemed as though my eyelids had 200 pound weights on them as I tried to lift them.

Eventually, I gave up. It was too hard. I resorted to trying to hear what was happening around me. I could pick up a conversation happening right beside me. It was two men who seemed to be fighting by the tones in their voices.

"I didn't mean to....missed," I strained to hear more, but I could only catch snippets of what was being said.

Someone jabbed my arm, and I felt little prickles everywhere, like I was on a bed of needles. I tried to slap the hand away, but I couldn't move.

"," I heard above me, it sounded feminine.

Then, slowly but surely, I was gaining feeling everywhere. My heart wasn't pumping haywire anymore, my eyelids didn't feel so heavy, and I could clearly hear everything now.

"Is she going to awake up anytime soon? I have some threatening to do," I heard the unmistakable voice of Colby say overhead.

"Just give it time, and I suggest, you learn how to use that thing properly. It's not supposed to be aimed at the heart, your lucky she's not dead right now," A female voice that I didn't recognize answered.

"Who's the captain on this ship?" Colby replied viciously.

"You," the woman answered hesitantly.

"Exactly, so don't tell me how to do my job," he snarled.

I had my plan of action. I was going to pretend to be unconscious, but hear everything that was going on. And maybe, just maybe, they would leave me alone for a bit so I could get out of here. We were only about a mile away from our ship, I would be able to swim that far. Oh wait, I can't swim.

My plan was going good so far, I think Colby was still in the room though because I could hear his unusually loud breathing beside me. This is nice, I thought, I just have to lay here. No, because I just got slapped. I couldn't help but make a little yelp, which gave away to Colby that I was awake.

"I thought you were awake," he said. I slowly opened my eyes to see the interior of a small, filthy room.

"Where am I?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"That doesn't matter at the moment, I need answers," Colby said. He got up and started pacing in front of the bed I was on.

"I don't have answers," I replied.

"On this field of subject, you do. Tell me about Ben's father."

"I don't know anything about Ben's father."

"Well surely you know something about Ben's past?"

"Nope, nothing. He refused to tell anyone, even Captain."

"Whoops, it looks like we killed old Captain for no reason then, oh well he would have been dead weight anyway," Colby said laughing.

"You actually killed Captain?" I whispered.

"I'm a pirate, what do you think we do, sail around singing? No, we kill people that get in our way. You should know that, you're a pirate aren't you?" I couldn't even process what Colby just said, I was to busy thinking about Captain. I refused to believe he was dead. He couldn't be dead. It wasn't possible.

"Now, about old Ben's father, you have to know something," Colby sneered.

Instead of answering I said, "What's with Ben's dad, why do you want to know about him?"

"Ben's father is a very important piece of my plan, but I need more information," Colby said standing up and pacing around the room.

"Well your plan isn't going to work because I don't know anything," I said.

"Oh the plan will still work alright. I know you Jenna, you think I want to know things about Ben so I can torture him. You think I"m mad at him for what he did to me?" He said pointing to the scar on his face, "Well you're an idiot. I don't anger as easily as I let you believe. I could care less about this scar. What I want is power and treasure."

"What does Ben or his father have to do with any of this?" I have to keep him talking, maybe if he talks a lot I can somehow delay my death?

"Ben and his father have everything to do with this," He answered smiling. "Jenna, who is the only person Ben cares enough about to actually rescue?"

"Me," I whispered.

"Yes and he will tell me everything," Colby said smiling maniacally.

"What does Ben have to do with power and treasure?" I asked.

"Silly girl, Ben's father is Blackbeard. The only pirate who knows the location of the fountain of youth, and they say he passed it on to his son, Ben."

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