8. Starry night out

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He flicked the fingers and a tune came out of it. He sang three songs.

2. Perfect
3.Until I found you

And you were still dumb. Only enjoying the vibe and not getting the message at all.

"Jungkook, why am I a dream?" You asked; again.

He paused. He snapped his eyes on you and said," I can see you. I can reach you but when I think I got you then it all turns into smoke." He palmed his heart with your hand. "As if this never existed."

"You like me?"

"I don't know. You're kinda my type."

"Woah, woah! Don't send me mixed signals, Jeon. Do you love me?"

"Love is a BIG word. I'm not ready for commitments. If that's what you name it then yes." He rubbed his nape, looking away.

"I don't get it. You wanna be with me but don't want to be serious, is that it?"

He shook his head," I'm serious about you. I really am but my life is not easy. It's dangerous. Really risky. I don't want to see you hurt."

"Jungkook, I believe in you. I know you will protect me but I can do that myself. I won't burden you for my happiness or safety because I'm sure no one in this world could hold onto that load for too long."

"Let me tell you something.. I LIKE you! If theirs any other word I could ever see someone as my home, it's you. But I need time to figure out if it's love.

" Why? This confession sounds like love but you cannot admit it?"

"Love in my profession is weakness. People gets hurt when their loved one's hurt."

"What's so big about working in a metal craft shop? Are you afraid of getting fired? I can talk to Yoongi."

You were in a mixture of concern and annoyance. Literally mad at how he was pushing those three magical words. Like and live hold different meaning. He was not even sure if he wanted a temporary one while you were obligated to a permanent relationship.

A one man woman.

It wasn't the same for other girls neither for Nina but you couldn't see someone else fitting the shoes as much as Jungkook did.

"It's not related to him. Give me a chance."

"I don't think I could do that." You stood up and gulped. "I-I don't see myself with an obvious red flag. I could predict a breakdown if I give you a chance. It's goodbye for us." You sighed and turned to go back.

"Y/N, wait!!"

You kept walking, realizing it's near 9pm. Maybe an uber doesn't sound that bad, although it's night and alone ride but some martial arts could serve them right.

"Please, listen." He requested.

'You cannot! Dare you not turn back.' You chanted it like a mantra and kept moving until a hand gently grabbed your nape and turned to around, catching you off guard.

A pair of soft lips pressed against you. It was passionate and deep. Your heart was beating fast and an electric potential ran throughout the body.

You froze.

It couldn't be comprehended how precious it was. Your wide eyes saw the shooting star passing and many more followed.

Closing the eyes you replied back and when he pulled away heaving, mirroring you, he cupped his lady's jaw.

"I love you."


There was a pause as you both calmed down. You asked,"So suddenly?"

He said," Only if you lose, you acknowledge it's value. I saw you going and I knew I had to grab it before a part of me disappears."

"Am I really special?"

"You're wonderful."

An eye roll for him. "Not that cliche line, duh."

"Trust me, it's was weird for me too but I'm trying. I thought girls like compliments?"

"Are you doubting my gender?" A teasing grin was thrown at him. He chuckled," Love is blind. I might marry you if you grow a beard."

He stick out his tongue and ruffled your hair before running away for his dear life while you chased him. It was a friendly fight which might or might not had caused him some serious hits.

After all the fuss, you ate the dinner he cooked and packed himself. He was really good at it. "You could be a chef, you know?"

"I know.."

He shrugged his shoulder and took another bite. The rest of the night went in a flash of blur where you danced with him and painted his nails. You had in your pursue, no offence.

He dropped you home and it was a bit hazy to declare yourself in a relationship.

With an older man.

Handsome and rich.

He did told you that he booked the whole park and hill point so of course he was filthy rich. He didn't disclosed much and you forgot you interrogate him when he kissed you for the second time.

Although he did mumbled about being in a group.

It must be an NGO, you thought.

"Omo! Grandpa would like him."

The word 'like' felt like an bacteria to you. It was bothersome yet you didn't minded it too much like a paranoid patient.

Before going to bed you checked the calendar and for sure Nina would turn an year old this Sunday.

"Huh, how could we even forget about her big ass party! She'll definitely call everyone to celebrate it."

You laid on the bed and ordered a birthday gift for her. An online gift. She doesn't care about gift, she only cares about attendance like a 50 years old teacher, in her club party. Lmao.

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