finney blake
yall are such girly pops

vance hopper
now mason honey, what was that?

finney blake
i-i dont know..  it just came out

rory arellano
now why the hell are
u stuttering through text this is not 2020 tiktok .

finney blake

robin arellano
can you like.. not be in love with each other?

rory arellano
can you like...stfu.

vance hopper
tea the siblings are fighting

bruce yamanda
what did i miss?

rory arellano
a lot since you have that shitty ass wifi

bruce yamanda
shut up bro

rory arellano
sureeee mcdonalds ass

bruce yamanda
awww love u too kaylee

finney blake

rory arellano
okay i get it that your in love with me mason but why u gotta make it so obvious

vance hopper

robin arellano

gwen blake
he doesn't even hide it

rory arellano
hide what?

gwen blake
oh nothing lol.

"gwen blake has removed herself from the conversation !"

"gwen blake has removed herself from the conversation !"

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masons point of view

MASON WASN'T, and isn't the best at expressing his feelings, he's never been the type to become head over heels for a girl, but here he was doing exactly that.

Ever since he found out that Kaylee was going to play his love interest, he's been trying more and more to get closer to her, which he has mostly successfully done.

Mason and Kaylee were practically best friends, he was always texting her, calling her and to be brutally honest.. always looking at her Instagram, but no one needed to know that.

To say Mason was like- in love with her would be an understatement, he loved the way her makeup perfectly identified her face, he loved the way he made her blush when he called her cute, and most importantly, he loved her.

But, he would never tell her that, not if he was paid a million dollars to do said thing.

He would never confess, unless she started to show signs, which unfortunately she hadn't done yet, but he would still try till day he died.

3rd person point of view

Mason stretched as he woke up the next morning feeling tired yet hungry.

He crawled out of bed and stumbled into his bathroom lazily brushing his teeth.

He made his way downstairs to pour himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 

Mason grabbed the milk and cereal and put the two ingredients together, putting away the milk making his way over to the island.

Mason checked his notficiations going onto instagram last, he clicked on Kaylee's profile to see if she posted.

Well, she did. Mason thought she looked beautiful, as always.

Mason opened up his groupchat.

He had too decided to start a conversation since the last time they had talked on the group-chat was like a week or so ago.

Mason messaged for a little while before Kaylee said that he was inlove with her.

was she wrong?

But that's when they all started bickering and Mason noticed a message from Maddy.

,he doesn't even hide it' was what she said, he only told Maddy about his strong feelings for Kaylee, and if she was just about to out it too Kaylee and the rest of the group chat, he would probably hide under a shell for the rest of his life.

Kaylee asked what Maddy meant and Mason prayed that Maddy wouldn't say anything.

She didn't out his secret, however she made it very obvious that something was up.

Mason shut off his phone and finished eating his cereal.

He prayed that Kaylee wouldn't find out he liked her.


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i'm living for the actual cast mates getting some action in this book.
and a mason pov? i'm feeding y'all lunch and dinner tbh.


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