Chapter 1 ☆ The Hawkins Freak Show

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"You may notice a cool breeze today in Hawkins, reminding us that Autumn is here to stay!" the radio of a parked car could be heard through it's open window.

Frankie Walsh sighed at the forecast as she walked past. "Like we could forget," she muttered.

The girl then turned the corner to see the subject of her disappointment: Hawkins Middle School.

The majority of the young population are on the same page when it comes to school. They hate actually attending classes and only agree to going because they get to see their friends. Frankie however, is different. She doesn't mind the work and is doing well in most of her classes, it's just... everything else she has a problem with.

"Hey Frankie, come over here!" a high pitched voice could be heard, coming from a group of girls standing by the front entrance.

"Hi Stace, hey guys. What's up?" she adressed, as she walked over to them.

"Nothin' much. Just talking about Ms. Reynolds' moustache," Stacey cracked a smile. This caused the rest of the girls to burst out laughing, as if it was the funniest thing known to man.

"Oh, really?" Frankie asked. She honestly hadn't noticed. Then again, she sits in the back of most of her classes.

"Mhmm, I think it's even longer than my Dad's," another girl, Joan, replied.

The brown haired girl chuckled nervously. She racked her brain for a way to escape this situation. Ms Reynolds was one of the only nice teachers in Hawkins Middle and it felt kinda shitty to be talking about her like this.

"Actually, that reminds me. I still haven't done her assignment and it's due before lunch so... I better go... And do that," she stammered. The excuse was weak but it just might work.

As Frankie walked away she could hear the girls' whispering. She didn't want to know what they were talking about, but it's a bit hard to ignore when they're talking about you.

"You know, her parents hate each other, right? That's why she's so weird," Stacey gossiped.

Frankie stopped in her tracks and took in a deep breath. It wasn't unusual, people talking about her family situation. Her parent's marriage troubles weren't secret, despite them trying to keep it so. You can hear their arguments from two blocks away and that's not an exaggeration.

The comment was different coming from Stacey, however. It's not that Frakie believed that the girl was below saying those things, because she wasn't. She just never thought that Stacey would say those things about her. They were friends after all.

Frankie continued to walk away from the girls, trying her hardest not to draw too much attention to herself.

She turned the corner and found herself standing at the side entrance. Frankie sat down on the bottom step of the doorway, taking a minute to catch her breath.

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