CHAPTER 4: A Week of Normalcy...Not!

Start from the beginning

"No. I'm fine. Sorry I woke you,"

"You didn't."


"You gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, I will be." Bella said as she thought back to her new nightmare. Derek left the room and before she went back to sleep, she looked at the burn on her left hand. She eventually falls back asleep after a while of tossing and turning.

Bella woke up the next morning to a sudden tap on the shoulder from Derek which startled her.

"What, Derek?" Bella moaned

"Time to get up for school."

"No way." Bella said as she placed her head under the pillow "Leave me alone."

"Get showered and dressed. I'm driving you."

"No way in hell." Bella moaned

"Let's go." Derek ordered


"I figured this would happen. Stubborn as hell." Derek grabs Bella and throws her over his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Bella cried "Derek, put me down!"

"As you wish" Derek said as he placed Bella down on the bathroom floor and turned on the showerhead. Derek starts to spray her with water.

"Derek, stop!" Bella cried with laughter "It's not funny! I'm soaking wet!"

Derek turns off the showerhead "Now you don't have to shower. No, go get dressed."

"You're an idiot!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'll get you for this!"

"Sure you will. Now let's get moving."

When Bella finally comes downstairs, she notices what Derek is wearing. He's dressed in all black. She smirks "You know, I think I get why I'm not that noticeable. But you are.You always dress like that?"

"What's wrong with what I wear?" He asks, annoyed.

You look like you want to mug or kill someone if they look at you wrong."

"Really?" He asked with an eye roll.

"I'm gonna have some cereal."

Bella poured herself some cereal and began to eat it.

"Do you always have to smack when you eat?" Derek asks

"Do you always have to be such an asshole? It's just the way it is." Bella replied with sarcasm.

Derek lets out a sigh "Just get in the damn car"

"So it's not a regular car but a damn car?"

Derek lets out an annoyed sigh. Laura was right. The kid is so much like Peter. In looks and personality

When they get to the car, Derek hands Bella a brown paper bag.

"What's this?" she asked


Bella looked up at him in shock "You made me lunch?"

"Look inside," He said with a smirk. She looked inside and found a five dollar bill and a cookie.

"I think this will be the best lunch at hellhole high."

"Stop. It's not that bad." Derek rolled his eyes as he started the car.

"You don't know half of it." Bella quietly muttered, not aware Derek had heard.

Once they had pulled up to the school, Bella again muttered "Let's just get this over with."

"Just try and keep things normal around here." Derek said

"Oh believe me, it'll be so normal. "

"Quit being a smartass. Now, when do I have to pick you up?"

"You don't." Bella said. "I'm going to see my dad after school."

"You are?" Derek asked, completely caught off guard.

"It's like you said. 'Do your normal thing.' Well, that is my normal. Going to visit my dad almost every day."

"Fine." Derek sighed

"Thanks." Bella muttered

Bella started to go up the steps of the school when she turned and watched Derek leave the parking lot. She stopped and looked around before walking back down the steps and leaving the school property.

"Keep things normal, my ass" She muttered as she started to walk in the direction towards the care facility.

When Bella got to the care facility, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. She got to her father's room and stood at the door. Peter was still laying in his bed and not sitting in his wheelchair. Bella sat in the chair beside the bed and faced Peter.

"Hey, dad. It's me. Hope you don't mind that I am here so early." Bella's voice began to crack. "Something's happened. And I couldn't stand the fact that I had to go on with my day pretending everything is fine when it's not. So, I guess in a way I have ditched school....Again."

Bella took her father's hand. "Dad, someone killed Laura. Another werewolf did it, which means there's a new Alpha. You have no idea how angry I am. But I can't help but feel so guilty too. When I saw Laura last, I said some pretty harsh things to her and now I regret not being able to tell her how sorry I was."

Tears began to fall down Bella's face "But, I'm not alone. Not totally. Cousin Derek is back in town. What a jerk he's been. He did mention that Laura found a spiral symbol carved into a dead deer. Something to do with revenge in werewolf lore. I just wish I wasn't so useless so I can help find the monster that did this. Make them pay. I just hate being so powerless. I just don't know what to do."

Bella spent the entire day at the care facility beside her father. She stayed until six and left to head home for the night. She met Derek back at the loft, where he sat on the couch.

"Good day?" he asked

Without letting her heartbeat rise, she calmly said "Just normal."

Derek had no idea that she skipped school. And she wanted it to stay that way.

The rest of the week went by fast. Bella went back to her normal daily routine which was going to school, seeing her father and going home. Friday night, Derek was nowhere to be found. The only text Bella got from her cousin was that he was busy, leaving her alone that night and for the remainder of the weekend .

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now