Chapter 23~ The Gathering.

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I heard footsteps behind me. I swiftly turned. It was Zayn. He looked at me cautiously. 

"What's wrong?" he asked as he cocked his head to the side of the foyer door. 

"Nothing," I lied. I could tell that he sensed that something was up. 

"OK! Well, me and the lads are going down to the pub for a drink, would you like to tag along?" he offered. 

"Are the girls going?"

"No, they don't want to, since Susan and Nicole are too little to go to a pub," Zayn joked. I gave him a dirty look. He backed off and came around me. He tucked his arms underneath my waist but a little higher to my bosoms. He swayed me back and forth. I had this peculiar feeling that he knew something was bothering me but didn't mind to say it out. Thus, comforting me was the next best thing in order to show his caring and understanding for me. I could listen to his heart pumping and his diaphragm moving up and down as he breathed in and out, and the hot breath that his nostrils released onto my hair. 

"Well, I am going to stick around with the girls if you don't mind. You guys have fun!" I told him. 

"You sure?" he whispered. 

"Yes, I'm positive," I said. He let go of me and headed to the living room to get the guys. 

"Hey, guys, leggo!" Zayn bellowed to the lads. I laughed. 

I witnessed in that living room was a passion of love, caring and understanding. The one thing I partial have. I witnessed Harry and Jenny kissing all the excess cake off her lips, Louis taking out the chunk of icing from Eleanor's luscious hair whilst she did the same to the twins, Liam insisting in cleaning Danielle's face, and well, Niall he was helping Safa and Wahliya clean up Ayesha . Yup, it was pretty  darn clear that each and one of them had a heart as big as Liam, except for Liam Payne himself  since he has a even bigger heart than the rest. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Mr. and Mrs. Malik also cleaning each other up. Yaser was concentrating on how to untangle the bits of cake from Tricia's hair while she took a cloth to wipe his face off. It was everlasting love, I thought. It was beautiful. 

After the lads left, the girls had some time to themselves and unwided on the couch in the family room. 

"So how's everybody doing?" I broke the ice. I comfortable laid down on the love seat. Jenny sprawled over the couch. Eleanor was on the ground with the twins, while Danielle was siting on a sofa.

"Good, " they all say.

"How are you Bianca? What made you come here? Thought you went back to Canada, so I've heard," Jenny asks as she reaches over to the remote control.

"Well, I'm doing great. I came back because I wanted to run away from my fears at home. I was having some problems back home," I told them. Silence rose up into the atmosphere. Only the playful sounds made by Nicole, Susan, and Ayesha flowed through the room.

"You know, don't hide from your fears as they say but to conquer them because you never know, they will haunt you forever," Eleanor stated.

"Yes, Eleanor, you are right. Bianca you must learn how to overcome those fears by demolishing them. There is no point of running from them cause they are going to follow where ever you go, no matter where you are," Danielle explained in further detail.

Do they know why I am here? Did Wahliya, Mrs. Tricia, or Safa mention any of this? I had a hunch that they knew perfect and wanted to tell me this in the beginning but didn't know when was the right time to do so. I think this was the perfect time. Suddenly, I heard crying, one of the twins poked Ayesha in the eye.

Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So We Meet Again?" Zayn Malik Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن