Welcome to Europe part 2

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(Building Gala)

"Hey pretty lady want to have a drink with me?"King Giovanni asked as he approached interference.

"Do you know how beautiful you are, especially your eyes,those eyes sparkle like the light of the atom bomb."Giovanni said

"Not.Impressed."Interference replied

"Come on the Sardegna empire is a very nice place to stay, you just need to nuke several places I tell you.After that I will give you a high ranking position in my court sounds like a pretty good deal,the pay is very good."Giovanni said

"Look I am not going to sell my nukes to the highest bidder,look why are all of you so interested in unleashing nuclear destruction on each other, you saw how much destruction the great war did to my earth."Interference said

"The destruction of the Great war is why I want nukes in the first place,I want to have the feeling of what is like to control and fire nuclear weapons on a short notice,never in the history of warfare where a single bomb can wipe out city in the blink of an eye but now there is."Giovanni said as he tried to reach for interference face to touch it.

Interference then went to grab Giovanni hand before he can touch her face.

"Look sir,I don't want to send you flying across the place so please keep your hands to yourself."Interference replied

"Got it.So let's change the subject it seems that you manage to scare off Roon with just a look and based on what other shipgirls say you have a insane side that you buried deep in your personality,so why don't you show me a glimpse of that side besides I like crazy stuff."Giovanni replied

"I have a deep hatred of commies,they all deserved to burn in nuclear hellfire."Interference said in a hateful tone

"Hey if you will excuse me I need to find myself a drink."Giovanni said as he quickly put as much distance between him and interference after realizing that trying to unlock interference insane side is a bad idea.

"Hey interference, what about joining me for a drink?"admiral Charles of the Iris said

"You sound like you are from France."Interference replied

"Yea,my factions is now facing political instability as now there a significant of people in the factions that worship the atom as a divine god.They believe that kansens of your world are the embodiment of god angels.Thus are trying to find a way to turn the ships and submarines of your world into kansens."admiral Charles said

"Maybe I can explain to them that worshipping nuclear weapons is a bad idea."Interference said

"I don't think they will listen to you in fact one of the other admirals of my factions here is a devout worshipper of the atom."Charles said

"Why you bring a religious nut job here?"Interference asked

"That is because the faction called the church of the atom now has significant political power in the Iris we can't block them in this meeting."Charles said

"Ok got it,so tell me what to expect from them from this church of the atom admirals."Interference asked

"Well to be it bluntly they are not right in the head."Charles said

"Ok,then--"before interference can continue a loud voice called out to interference

"Oh, gracious thee embodiment of god will and power I thank thee for tolerating thy presence."admiral Pierre said

"Look you need help."Interference replied

"Look I am fine,my factions are worshipping you and your husband Valiant."admiral Pierre said

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