The Crash

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{This will be in the third person for the most part except for this chapter}

I didn't know where anyone else was, not my dad, or siblings I didn't even know where my twin was, but I just hoped they were safe I was with my mum currently and, I grabbed the TARDIS key from my mum's outstretched hand and made a run for the ships with Mum right behind me hoping to make it and get away from this war zone that used to be my home we were about 6 feet from the one that mum had brought me the key for and I see three Daleks come at us from the side then I hear my mum scream "Nova no...not my baby you leave my baby girl, alone!" I watched as she stood tall against them and took them out, in quick succession, then a fourth one appeared before she could react and shot her twice as she screamed.

I felt the tears streaming down my face as I screamed "NO! Mum!" then I turned and made a run for it, and then I felt a jol, as I fell to the ground, it had shot me once in the back while I tried and make it to the TARDIS. It hit me in one of my hearts. I still had tears falling down my face, as I laid still, face down on the ground as I played completely dead and once I knew it wasn't paying attention to me anymore I grit my teeth feeling the regeneration coming on I crawled across the ground reaching the TARDIS, I had the key for pulling myself into the TARDIS tears still streaming down my face trying to hold back the regeneration until I get to the control panel and I plot a random course and I pull the lever and I am off.

Then I let the regeneration start there is a bright golden light as I scream out in pain letting the regeneration happen once the regeneration is finished I can feel the TARDIS spinning out of control so I lock her onto the nearest planet for a crash landing knowing that I won't be able to regain control like this.

Once she finally hits the ground I open the door to see where I've landed only to see I am on Earth I step back in. I go digging through some things looking for a Fob watch knowing the only way that I will fit in here is to become human, which means taking my Time Lord consciousness and putting it into a Fob watch, and as long as I don't open the watch I won't know who I am or where I came from.... I knew that I had nothing to go back to now, so this was the easiest solution to fitting in on Earth.

Once I find what I'm looking for I put my TARDIS key around my neck, pull down the Chameleon Arch, and set it to human. I put the helmet on and pull the switch then I am enveloped in bright golden light much like the light when we regenerate and it was the most intense pain that I have ever felt in my entire life then it just stops.

I looked around confused, not recognizing my surroundings before stumbling over to the door of the weird-looking building I was in, clutching a pocket watch in my hand. I reached up and felt tears on my face. 

Why was I crying?

After just walking around not really knowing where I was going, for a while, I got stopped by a pretty blonde woman "Hi sweetheart, are you lost?" I nod my head at her "What's your name?"

I wrack my brain and the name Nova sticks out to me, so that must be my name. "Nova I think..."

The pretty blonde lady smiles at me "Well Nova my name is Jackie Tyler, Where did you come from? Where are your parents? and why does it look like you've been crying?"

I look at her for a minute, trying to think but nothing is coming to me, "I don't know... I don't remember I know my name is Nova and that I'm 14 but everything else is blank."

Jackie looks at me and then lets out a sigh "Okay sweetheart how about you come home with me for tonight and in the morning we can try and find you're parents I'm sure they are worried sick about you?"

I think about her offer for a minute "Okay and thank you for being so kind to me."

She smiles "I have a daughter that is a year younger than you her name is Rose I think the two of you will get along" She holds her hand out to me to take I offer her my hand holding the pocket watch she looks at it "What is this?"

I shrug at her not knowing why I have it, "some sort of pocket watch? I don't really know. I was holding it, but I don't know where it came from but maybe it's a piece of my life that I don't remember."

Jackie gave me a kind smile "Well then we will keep that safe" Then she stuck it into the pocket of the jacket that I was wearing and took my hand leading me to her house.

Once we get inside another blonde girl comes in "Mum what took so long?"

That must be Jackie's daughter "Rose, this is Nova I found her in the park she's lost we are going to try and find her parents tomorrow."

She stands in front of me with a smile "Hi I'm Rose and I'm 13, how old are you?"

I smile back at her "I'm Nova and I'm 14"

Rose still had a smile on her face, "I think we are going to be the best of friends."

I was rill smiling at her, "I hope so."

Then she looks at Jackie "Mum if we can't find her family can she stay with us?"

Jackie smiles "I don't see why not but only if we can't find her parents" Rose smiles and drags me through the place and into what I am guessing is her room.


They never did find out about Nova's family which is not a surprise, since she wasn't even human or from Earth to start with so Jackie adopted the girl and she became Nova Tyler.

Starting next chapter we go into Season 1 Episode 1 'Rose' which I will be calling 'Rose and Nova' I just wanted to introduce Nova to you guys and give a little more insight into how she ended up on earth and everything.

So I have decided to rewrite this book a bit (: I just feel like my writing has improved since I started it and want to do it justice, with my best abilities, so yeah Idk when I'll have it finished but, I hope you guys enjoy it.   

The Hidden Time Lady [1] ✅️ Rewritingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें