After an overview of the surrounding, he grips my arm and points at one of the private booths whispering " He's there. You wanna talk or do some breaking n cracking? Huh?" I leave him but he interrupts " Jungkeuk, is your friend alright?" I stare, surprised at a sudden question about Taehyung.

Instead, I reply with a short " I'll see you later". The thought of him knowing or even getting close to Taehyung doesn't fit well. Our friendship is established, from day one based on utility and I expect it, to be kept that way. We have never shared emotional bondage. His grip loosens and there is a glimpse of sadness in his eyes which he covers instantly, probably at my rough encounter but I have things to deal with therefore excusing I leave him behind.

The VIP room as expected reeks of alcohol, burnt plastic, and a musky smell from smoking weed and coke. There is a cocktail of various colored drinks on the tables shrouded by a group of girls making out on the couch and boys groping them some even sucking and licking weed from naked bodies Pathetic.

All of them are certainly too high to keep a conversation or even about know about Kang, I move through the horde searching for one specific face Kang Yeojin and I find him in a puddle of rum and alcohol, splattered on the ground behind which a girl kneeling in front of him, her eyes bloodshot with heavy eyelids.

Yeojin loosens the hold from where he had been gripping her jaws and gapes at me, his expression turns from surprised to amusement. In a second, he is standing in front of me smiling as if we are long-lost, friends, and it's some gathering. "I knew, you will come?" He says enthusiastically pointing at the isolated table.

He offers some drinks which I deny for sure, "I didn't come here to have some party with you", he leans on the chair chugging his drink with a  throaty chuckle.

" Surely, you are not. Did he send you or more like pleaded you to speak for him", he sneers pointing at the previous girl who's now rolling bill to take a blunt, "people like them don't deserve to be treated with respect as you do. I mean unless you get something in return ". Those words hold a suggestion I don't intend to ponder on.

"People like us, You, me.... And Park Jimin we all are far above these. We can't be friends with these. You know that right." He follows with another drink.

Park Jimin, should not be used as a reference for portraying my nominal friend circle. His hands drop over mine as he places the drink for me,  his touch sickens me, leaving a disgusting feeling. Ignoring his remarks, "I am here to give friendly advice to, NOT TOUCH HIM AGAIN and whatever I have with him, it's none of your fucking business", I say bitterly.

This place, this man everything here repulses me, I stand up trying to remove the filth caused by his touch. " Wait, you are always in a hurry. What about others, Oh! I forgot that you are no longer acquaintances with Park Jimin, you used to be close friends from what I remember. Is that also because of that Kim?

"What I do is none of your concern, Kang. Stay away from him. And it's a warning ". I demand any desire to stay here vanished long ago.

" What will you do, if I teach him a proper lesson, how to be a good boy".

I laugh, even at the imagination of this idiot as if I will let him lay his filthy hands on Taehyung again. "What will I do! ", I inquire " If you lay your hands on him, I will break your fucking useless bones. That's what I will do". The look of shock is appeasing, without wasting time I leave with a last glance at the girl who is barely opening her eyes,  clearly intoxicated.

Yugmeon and his car are no longer there, he might have left a while back. I turn the engine, should get home earlier, if Taehyung notices my absence, he will be worried. As for Yeojin, I am pretty sure he will heed my advice otherwise he'll have to pay a price and he knows that.

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