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Rey watched as he faded away.
Tears fell down her cheeks as he left her once again.
Only this time, he wouldn't come back. And she knew that.

She hugged his shirt tightly and cried.

Ben's ghost watched as she cried.

"No no no! Ben please!" She cried.
"Don't leave me like this please!"
"Please" she said before crying again.

Ben could only watch. He was then felt someone take his hand.
He looked behind him to see his mother.

"It's time to go Ben. I'm sorry" Leia said.

Ben frowned when looking back towards Rey.

"Is there any chance for me to go back?" He asked with tears in his eyes.
Leia looked down, then back up at him.
"I'm not sure. We need to go. If you stay here to long she'll see you" Leia replied.

He looked back at Rey, wanting to cry seeing her so sad.
"Goodbye Rey" he said before leaving with his mother.

When Rey Got back, she left Ben's shirt in her ship.
She didn't want anyone to realize what is was.

When she saw Finn and Poe running towards her, she knew it was over.
The First Order was over. It was done.
All the pain had ceased. But for her, her pain still lingered. And got worse by the minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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