falling asleep with him

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you spot finney taking his position on the field as the baseball game is about to begin. you wait, tugging at the hem of your shirt which you stole from his closet.

his eyes scan the crowd, searching for you. once he sees you he does a double take. you beam at him. you knew he'd freak out.

finney's heart flutters in his chest. he liked seeing you wearing his shirt more than he should have. don't let her distract you, he scolds himself. all flustered over a shirt. he shakes his head at you, a smirk playing on his lips.

you loved watching finney play. you had a bad habit of watching finney instead of the game as a whole so you never knew who was winning.

when the game ended, he heads straight towards you.

"i think that belongs to me," he says, gesturing to your shirt.

"oh yeah? i think it suits me more than you. i might keep this one," you tease.

"i wouldn't let you," he says defiantly, even though he'd give it up for you in a heartbeat if you asked.

"fine. want me to take it off right now and give it to you?" you move to tug the hem up jokingly.

"what? no!" he shouts.

you laugh. "only joking, finney. i know you'd love that too much, anyways."

"shut up!" finney turns red.

"you did great out there, by the way."

finney was a sucker for praise. whenever you watch his games he always made sure he would try his best just to impress you. if he did a good pitch he'd look at you directly in the crowd to make sure you saw it. not that he'd ever admit it.

you hug him tightly.

"stop, now everyone's gonna tease me for this," he grumbles, but hugs you back anyways.

you climb into bed once you get to his house, reading a book off of his shelf. finney comes in minutes later, fresh out of the shower.

he slides into bed next to you, hugging you from the side. he smells clean, like fresh laundry, with a hint of sweetness. you can't help but reach out and ruffle his curls, damp from the shower.

"what book his that?" he mumbles softly into your shoulder. you show him the book cover.

"good choice."

he reads along with you until you yawn and close the book. you turn to face him, noticing his hazel eyes, and his high cheekbones. his loose curls hang over his forehead.

"you're staring," finney says, cheeks tinged pink.

"i can't help it. you're so cute."

he blushes harder, lying down and rolling over to one side. you wrap an arm around him as you lay in bed together, your chest pressed to his back.

finney is the little spoon. finney wonders what gwen would think about that. the teasing would never end.

a blanket of silence fell over the room as your breaths sync, enjoying each others warmth. you place small, delicate kisses into finney's hair and the exposed side of his neck.

then you close your eyes, the peacefullness lulling you to sleep.

hours later, sharp knocks against finney's door startles you awake. you pull away from finney and sit up, meeting gwen's eyes.

"dad's coming home soon," she warns.

finney stiffens next to you.

"w-we weren't-" finney starts, voice caught in his throat.


finney turns bright red and you bite back a smile.

"thanks for the warning, gwen," you add. she nods and leaves the room. finney sighs.

"gwen's never going to let me live that down."

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