Chapter 3: Making friends with Naruto

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Sakura's pov:

It has been three years since I've been in the Naruto verse. People call me a prodigy. Just cause I was walking and talking sooner then normal babies would be.

I actually look cuter then normal girls my age. Well thats what everyone says about me.(the image above is what sakura looks like).

This is the outfit that Sakura is wearing today

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This is the outfit that Sakura is wearing today.

Currently my parents are walking me to aunty Mikotos house. They have another mission.

I was then snapped out of my thoughts by a crushing bear hug.

"Sakura-chan its been so long since I've last seen you! You've gotten so much bigger!" Said aunty Mikoto.

"Its only been a week since you've last seen me." I said

"And that was so long ago. You look like you've gotten a little taller." Said aunty mikoto

"I'm still the same" I said

"Hey there little duckie" I said

Sasuke just came out of the house. And I don't think he knew I was coming over today cause he looked surprised to see me. He then looked to the side. There was a little blush on his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that." The ducky said.

"I will never stop calling you that emo ducky" I said

Mikoto laughed and told us to go and play.

"Come on Sasu let's have a race to the park." I said

"Hn. This time I will beat you." Said sasu.

"Will see about that ducky. Get ready for your pride to be crushed by a girl again."

"3" we both started to count down.

We then took off.

"Haha i win again!" I said

"I-I'll next time" Sasuke said almost out of breath.

"Sure you will. You say that all the time but I always win."

I win I always win.

'Nice death note reference.'

"Your nothing but a monster." I hear a kid say.

I turned my head to where the sound was coming from. I saw a boy leaning against a tree. With bruises all over him. Being surrounded by three older boys.

'Wait a damn minute those kids are picking on Naruto!'

I then ran in without thinking. I put my left arm out in front of Naruto to protect him. I glared at the boys and my bright green eyes turned dark green. A jade colored green.

"Why the fuck are you bastards beating up a little kid?! What the hell are you guys thinking?!" I told them with coldness and anger in my voice.

'Obviously i know the reason. The kubii attack was terrible. I was only six months old. And I even pissed myself when it started.'

"Damn you little bitch he's a monster! Now move out of the way before we beat your ass up to!"

Did that man just threaten us! And call us a bitch! Beat up his mother fucking ass!

I will inner. Kid needs to be taught a lesson.

The kid was about to punch me in the forehead.

"Sakura watch out!" Screamed Sasuke.

I quickly stopped the guys fist. I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Listen here I'll only say this once." I started to crush the guys fist.

"Never underestimate ones strength. More importantly never and I mean never underestimate my strength. I may look weak but I'm not."

I sent a chakura packed punch to the guys stomach. And he coughed up some blood. And he went flying through the air and then landed into a tree.

Haha yes that mother fucker went yeet. Also slay bestie.

Thanks for always cheering me on inner. Now I just got these two other bitches to deal with.

I turned my head to the right and looked at my next victim.

"It would be wise to run now." I said to the kid who looked like he was gonna piss his pants.

The two guys then ran away. But before they ran I told them that if they ever come near this kid again they'll have to deal with me.

My eyes then turned back to normal. I turned around to see the boys scared shit less.

I think you scared them.

'Well no shit Sherlock.'

I then looked at naruto. He looked all bruised up.

"Are you alright you looked pretty banged up." I said to naruto as I grabbed his right arm to see it all bruised.

"I-I-Im fine. But why. Why protect me?" Said Naruto.

"I follow my heart and my heart said to protect you." I stated in an answer he'll understand.

"O-oh really" Naruto said with a little blush on his face.

"Oh my names Sakura by the way. What's yours?"

Obviously I know his name but I can't make anyone suspicious of me.

"Names Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna become Hokage one day! Believe it!"

I just wanna squeal he's so cute.

"I believe you Naruto. I believe you will become the best hokage!" I said smiling at him.

"Hn. I'm not sure if this dobe can become hokage." Said duck butt.

"What did you say teme!" Said Naruto

I'm just done with this bitch. Ain't nobody talks to Naruto like that.

I then smacked the back of Sasukes head.

"Sasuke stop being so rude. And have some manners!" I said.

"Sorry for duckys behavior. Anyway he's my best friend. His name is duck-butt aka sasuke uchiha."

"Hn. How many times to I have to tell you to stop calling me that." Said sasu.

"I have an idea how about all three of us become best friends." I said.

"Really yay my first friends!" Said Naruto.

"Hn. Do I have a choice?" Asked ducky

"No you don't Sasu."

"All of us will be great friends dattebayo." Said naruto

I couldn't help it any more. I tackled the both of them in a hug. They both looked freaked out at first but naruto soon relaxed and hugged back. Sasuke was telling me to get off of him with a blush on his face. But surprisingly he didnt shove my arm away. And even gave into the hug.

Talk about fucking up the plot.

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