Journal entry of 8/23/22

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A/n: it's currently the 30th of August. I forgot to post this sorry.
Hey! I went to T-T-T-Target *airhorns sound in the distance as a write this shit*. Halloween will be here in a month and I'm so excited! I want to be Karen from Mean Girls for Halloween. Me and my one friend (who has her own WattPad which u should follow its nazispog . I'm writing a crack fic with her.) are trying to convince are other friend to be one of the Plastics with us.
"She's thick the rats thick!"-Danny Gonzalez.
"I'm a sexy rat."- me
I'm a very sexy rat named Ratthew. A human isn't writing this anymore it the rat who lives under officialponyboycurtis bed. The human has some weird ass taste in music.
Shit the human found me i gtg

@ᗝᖴᖴᎥᑕᗩᒪᑭᗝᑎƳᗷᗝƳᑕᑌᖇ丅Ꭵᔕ ᒎᗝᑌᖇᑎᗩᒪWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt