"How come?" I asked.

"I'm a vampire, school is the least of my worries" he smirked.

"Oh yeah, forgot" I sighed.

"Want to ditch with me?" He suggested.

"Really?" I asked quite shocked.

"Yeah, why not?" He responded.

"Erm, okay" I smiled.

"Great, to mine then?" He asked.

"Won't your vampire friends want to kill me?" I responded.

"No, they aren't in and remember something about you makes vampires not able to kill you, remember that" he noted.

"Okay then" I smiled. I wasn't ready to tell him just yet what Louis told me last night.

"My cars just parked over there, let's go" he said as he grabbed my hand. Yet again butterflies erupted in my stomach. Why does he do this to me?

"You didn't have this planned did you Niall?" I smirked.

"Planned? Never" he replied as small smile playing on his lips. I jumped In the passenger seat and then Niall began to drive.

"So what's it like being a vampire?" I blurted out.

"Erm, I hated it at first, I really hated it and myself, but now I have came to terms with it I don't think it's that bad" he replied keeping his eyes firmly on the road.

"Do you drink animal or human blood" I asked quietly. Not sure whether I wanted to know the answer.

"Mostly animal blood because there are a lot of animals in the forest and this town is pretty remote so if people started dying then people would start to speculate" he started. I was relieved at his answer. "But that doesn't mean I haven't killed anyone before"  he added. That sent chills down my spine but I still wasn't scared.

"Aren't people already speculating? I've heard the term vampire being thrown around this town and I've only been here a few days..."

"Yes, but no murders have happened here in five years so most think we have fled" he spoke.

"Do you have like a special power like vampires in films do?" I asked as soon as the words came out my mouth I regretted them. I must have sounded like a complete idiot.

He chuckled to himself. "I have the powers to increase others abilities but all vampires have that and to control people's minds. I can make people forget things and make people think what I want them to think and read their minds"

"So you can make anyone forget anything?" I asked.

"Apart from vampires I can read everyone's mind even yours ..." He began.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can hear all your thoughts it sort of takes my mind off the smell of your blood  "  he continued.

"I know why my blood smells so good Niall" I stated.

"You do?" He asked quite shocked.

"You were right, my mother didn't die in that crash" I began. I stared at me intrigued to what I was going to say. "She died trying to protect me, she gave me a gift that cost her life" I whispered weakly. "She made me immortal"

"She what?" He gasped as he slammed on the breaks causing me to fall forward in shock. "Immortality of a human is the biggest gift any one could have!" He explained.

"I'm not so sure about that because of it my mother died and my father went with her" I sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry Bailey" he muttered quietly.

Confusion (One Direction and 5SOS/Vampires)Where stories live. Discover now