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Sam's POV

Sam was expecting Techno to complain about wanting more food or was bored and wanting something to do. I wasn't expecting this...

I stood there shocked, I snapped myself and grabbed an ender pearl and thrown it across the lava. "What happen Techno?" Concerned echoed though my voice. I looked at Dream he had burns all over it's like he tried to jump in the lava. Wait... did e try to jump in...?

Techno started off "He *sign* he tried to jump in lava *pause* Sam he needs to get out of here, it's not doing any good for him" Technos right and I know it. but what would the rest of the sever think, Fuck this.

 "Wait here" I say before ender pearled out of the cell and made my way to the lever for the bridge and pulled it, I then saw Techno pull a lifeless Dream over. I pulled the lever again and carefully watched Dream's every movements. He didn't fight or had any reaction when going across, he kept his eyes towards the floor and didn't look up not even once. What happen to the lovable Dream I once care about like my own son years ago?

I take in Dream's appearance he had long dirty blond hair that goes pass his shoulders that hasn't been taken care of in a while. Along with multiple scars across his body, his white smiley mask is no where to be seen. His once so bright green eyes are now grey lifeless dull eyes. Guess I'm too blame for this, I'm the one who aloud Qauckity to 'visit' him every single day for months.

3rd Person

As soon as Techno and Dream comes across Sam pulls handcuffs on Dream, Dream doesn't care but Techno was about to argue about it but Sam speaks first. " I'm only putting this on so Dream doesn't ran off and kills himself" Techno nods but still doesn't like this idea. 

Sam lead Techno and Dream though the Prison, till they got to the portal. Sam takes a big sign then says "I'm going to message for the whole sever to meet a the community house for a meeting" Techno nods in agreement, I mean what else can he do all he wants is for Dream to get out of this place that's all.

Then the 3 of them walked though the portal.

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