I: Lunch?

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Walking calmly through the streets of Italy, you kept in mind to observe as well, not to just look like your taking a stroll.

The airport seemed to be very crowded now a days.

The young girl sighed as she watched a few boys, beginning to throw rocks at a car.

You wondered what the hell was the use of doing that? Was it the thrill? Or is it the want for attention? Maybe both.

You then saw a woman getting robbed by a man on a bike, a frown formed your lips. You picked up a small pepble and was ready to flick it at the tire. A strange yellow light began to glow from your arm and surge through your arm to your hand then to your fingers.

The biker suddenly flipped into the air as his bike slides near you, along with the purse that was taken.

You picked the purse up and started to walk to the lady to try and give it back to her.

Just to see a man who you assumed to be her husband, scolding the police officer, going on about not doing his job.

You pouted a bit, feeling bad for the officer.

"Sir?" You spoke.

The woman and her husband along with the police man looked over to you.
"Please let go of him. He didn't do anything wrong." You tried to be reasonable, not wanting your temper to ruin this.

"Butt out of this kid! He wasn't doing his damn job, and now my wives purse and her belongings are gone!" The man complained, he was starting to get physical with the officer, which you didn't like

"You mean this one? Here you go Ma'am. The biker dropped the bag." You gently gave it to the woman with a soft look on your face, but that quickly changed when you turned to the husband.

"Sir, he was doing his job, he was preventing a few boys from destroying someone else's property." You went right back to the argument, and the husband continued as well.

"Well he should've dropped that and come immediately to my wife's aid!" The husband seemed to be getting more mad, seemingly ignoring the fact that his wife's purse was brought back

"As you can see, there aren't that much cops around. He can not be everywhere at once, sir." Your reply was quick and was the truth on top of that.

Just two cops at a big place like the airport? They can't do everything on their own.

The wife grabbed her husbands hand
"Honey, please. She's got a point. I have my purse now, no need to cause a scene." The wife begged.

The husband huffed in annoyance and turned around and started to walk away. The wife thanked you for getting the purse back and apologizrd to both you and the officer for her husbands behavior.

You were about to leave after bowing your head a little then walk away, but he prevented you to do so.

"May I ask for your name?" He asked.

You were hesitant, you thought for a moment then spoke
"I'm Y/n Rossi. Sir."

"Thank you Ms. Rossi. I'm Officer Leone" he reached his hand out to shake. She shook his hand with a small smile

"Leone!" A voice caused you to quickly pull away from the officer.

Leone looked over to see his partner running up to him.
"You alright? I heard a civilian was about to get physical with you."

Leone smiled a little
"Oh, yes. It's alright now, thanks to Ms. Rossi-" Leone turned to where the young girl was. But she was no longer there.

"What. . .?" Leone started scan as far as his eyes could see from where he was standing, but couldn't see the h/c haired girl.

You didn't want to stay too long with the officers. They might question why you were alone, and if your parents where around. You didn't feel like being questioned.

Plus, you were getting a weird feeling being close to that officer. You didn't feel uncomfortable, nor did you feel suspicious. It was a hint of. . . Familiarity? You weren't sure.

You stopped when you noticed an ice cream shop. It was kinda a hot day, and you worked hard not to punch that man from earlier, so you minus well treat yourself, right?

You pulled out some cash you were able to swipe from the wives purse and from the husband when he was getting all up in your face.

You didn't take a lot of course. Just enough for you.

"One (Favorite Ice Cream) Signore. Two scoops, Per favore"
You said as you pulled some money out. The shop owner nods and scoops up your ice cream. You took it and payed him and walked off.

You didn't really know how you ended up here, you know you didn't belong in Italy, yet you could speak the language just fine.

Everything was so familiar to you, but at the same time it wasn't. It was like, Dajavu.

You had finished your ice cream and used your tongue to lick of some ice cream that was on you lips.

You turned into an ally way, where a bunch of other kids who were both younger and older then you.

Some who were in the way, made a clear path for you. You could feel eyes on you, hear the whispers and the loud insults twords you. The others found you very. . . Off. You spoke in a weird way and say weird things like
'These Nuts' which was very confusing to them.

You even wore clothes they haven't seen before on anyone else.

You ignored the kids and continue to walk. You found yourself at the same building you've been staying at for, who knows how long.

It's a dark gloomy building, it gets cold at night and tends to smell bad on hot days. But you didn't mind, because there was always music playing the building next to it. It was comforting to you.

You yawned as your feet dangled from the seat you were on, waiting for the rain to stop at the abandoned bus stop.

You had decided to go for another walk today, you were able to swipe off some cash off others, might have had to run from a few adults. Might have gotten punched by one of them.

"There you are!" A voice spoke suddenly, causing you to get on your feet just in case you have to run. You looked to where you heard the voice to see an officer. You were just about to book it when the officer came closer, but it was the officer from yesterday.

"Hey, I'm Officer Leone you remember?" He asked as he kept a safe distance from you, seeing as you looked like you were about to run again.

You nodded your head,

Leone sat down on the bench
"I wanted to repay you for what you did for me but you ran off" Leone was just talking about how yesterday went on after you had ran off.

You were now seated next to Leone, listening to his stores. Usually if someone talked too much you would tell them to shut up or walk away.

But you didn't with him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere the two of you heard a grumbling noise. The silence was loud. You blushed a little while clearing your throat.
"Sorry. . . " you mumbled.

It took Leone a moment to realize that was your stomach, causing him to remember something
"Oh! I almost forgot!" He started to reach for his bag and took out two paper bags.

"Here, I was going to offer you lunch, this is all I have on me for the moment so-" when he gave you the bag, you didn't waste time to eat what was in it.

He watched you as you ate the food in the bag like it was going to disappear.
When you finished it you quickly cleaned yourself off and thanked him.
Leone smiled, happy you liked the food.

The rain stopped and the two of you were about to go your separate ways.
"How about I treat you to lunch tomorrow? Same place. " He offered.
You thought about it, and it didn't seem bad, as long as you could eat.

"Yea, see you then." You waved and walked off

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